Professor Fei Geng receives national award and grant for lung cancer screening innovation – Faculty of Engineering

Professor Fei Geng receives national award and grant for lung cancer screening innovation

By Karen Totimeh

Developing a blood-based test for early lung cancer detection has resulted in a 2024 Lung Ambition Award for Fei Geng. He is the program chair of Bachelor of Technology – Biotechnology and program lead of the Master of Engineering in Manufacturing Engineering – Biomanufacturing in McMaster University’s Faculty of Engineering within the W Booth School of Engineering Practice and Technology (W Booth).

This recognition, presented by Lung Cancer Canada and the Lung Ambition Alliance, highlights Geng’s innovative approach to one of the most pressing challenges in cancer care: early detection.

“Lung cancer remains one of the most lethal cancers, largely because it’s often diagnosed too late,” says Geng. “Our goal is to develop screening methods that are both more accessible and more accurate, allowing us to catch the disease in its earliest, most treatable stages.”

The award, which Geng describes as an “incredible honour,” is a testament to the collective effort and commitment of his team at W Booth.

It underscores the impact of our efforts in advancing lung cancer research, and we’re deeply proud to be a part of this journey.

Fei Geng

“It underscores the impact of our efforts in advancing lung cancer research, and we’re deeply proud to be a part of this journey,” says Geng.

Collaboration has been key to Geng’s success. He credits much of his progress to the support and expertise of his colleagues at McMaster University, particularly Rosalyn Juergens, professor, Oncology, Faculty of Health Sciences, whose clinical insights he describes as invaluable to the research.

The Lung Ambition Award, which includes a $50,000 grant, will support Geng and his team as they continue to refine their screening platform. The next phase of their work will focus on enhancing the test’s sensitivity and specificity, crucial factors that will determine its effectiveness in clinical settings. The team is also exploring ways to adapt the platform for other types of cancer, potentially broadening its impact on early detection and patient outcomes.

“Dr. Fei Geng, our highly achieving and truly endearing BioTech Program Chair, goes from one significant success to another,” says W Booth Director, Brian Baetz, “This latest award is emblematic of Fei’s research excellence, and he is truly deserving of this as a leader in the interdisciplinary area of engineering and global health.”

The Lung Ambition Award is presented to two people annually and is part of a broader effort to improve lung cancer survival rates worldwide. With this recognition, Geng and his team are positioned to make significant strides in the early detection of lung cancer, potentially saving lives and setting new standards in cancer care.

Watch this video from Astra Zeneca to learn more.

Fei Geng