Biotechnology student overcomes academic hurdle thanks to professors' persistence and a side of sushi – Faculty of Engineering

Biotechnology student overcomes academic hurdle thanks to professors’ persistence and a side of sushi

Rashid AbuGhazalah, William Kim and Eu-Gene Ng

Every success story has its unique twists.

Enter William Kim, a Biotechnology student at the W Booth School of Engineering Practice and Technology, whose journey to convocation involved setbacks, success and a side of sushi.

In Kim’s final year of BTech Biotechnology, Academic Advisor Jennifer Hamilton noticed a decline in his grades during her annual grade review.

“William was an eager first-year student with excellent grades and aspirations to work on prosthetics and engage in student clubs,” she recalls.  “Now in his final year, an almost straight A student was missing a course and unable to graduate with his 2023 cohort.”

“I found myself struggling in my final year of year of school,” says Kim. “Along with some issues in my personal life, I ended up disinterested in classes and only tried doing the minimum.” Ultimately Kim failed a class taught by Professor Rashid AbuGhazalah.

Expecting Kim to retake the course the following school year, Hamilton was surprised to learn he had not returned. Recognizing the need for action, Hamilton enlisted the help of W Booth School Professor Eugene Ng, who is described by Professor Mike Justason as “dedicated and determined” when it comes to supporting students.

Ng, who was part of the Undergraduate Reviewing Committee, turned to Google and social media in attempt to find Kim whose McMaster email had since expired. Ultimately, Hamilton learned from a friend of Kim’s that he had left McMaster to support his family’s sushi restaurant during the height of the pandemic. With that information in hand, Ng headed down to the Waterdown restaurant. It was there he located Kim expertly rolling sushi.

A professor on a mission, Ng set out to convince not only Kim, but his family that with some determination, Kim could complete the course and graduate. Kim’s mother was deeply moved by his actions. Kim, however, had a different reaction. “Honestly, the first time Professor Eu-Gene showed up at my family’s restaurant, I felt a bit of dread” he says.

However, in due time, and a few additional visits from Professor AbuGhazalah, Kim felt ready to tackle learning again.

From right to left: Professor Rashid AbuGhazalah, William Kim and Professor Eu-Gene Ng

Kim returned to McMaster and with determination, he completed the final course earning an A grade. Despite this success, he is reluctant to take any of the glory.

“I’m thankful for Dr. Eu-Gene and Dr. Rashid for coming out to find me and give me the push I needed.”

William Kim

Kim proudly crossed the McMaster convocation stage in June 2024.

William Kim with his father at Convocation, June 2024