W Booth School of Engineering Practice and Technology
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3 unit(s) Ordinary and partial differential equations; Laplace transforms; Fourier series; vector calculus; integral theorems, with engineering applications. Three lectures; one term Prerequisite(s): Registration in Civil Engineering Infrastructure Technology, Manufacturing Engineering Technology, Power and Energy Engineering Technology, or Software Engineering Technology
Dr. Silvie Tanu Halim
3 unit(s) Formerly ENGTECH 3FA3. Matrix techniques, eigenvalue problems, equation of elasticity, 3D problems, variational methods, element types, element stiffness, mass matrix and load vector, assemblage of elements, boundary conditions. Two lectures, one lab; one term Prerequisite(s): ENGTECH 3ML3 and ENGTECH 4MA3 or CIVTECH 3MN3, and registration in Civil Engineering Infrastructure Technology or Manufacturing Engineering Technology Antirequisite(s): ENGTECH 3FE3