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Accepting graduate students
Holder of Endowed Chair, W Booth Chair in Engineering Entrepreneurship and Innovation, Program Chair, BTech. Software Engineering Technology,
W Booth School of Engineering Practice and Technology
Associate Professor
W Booth School of Engineering Practice and Technology
Associate Member
Mechanical Engineering
Associate Member
McMaster School of Biomedical Engineering
Other roles:
Associate Member
School of Computational Science and Engineering
Dr. Seshasai Srinivasan is currently an Assistant Professor in McMaster University’s Faculty of Engineering. Prior to this, he has held a Research Scientist and a part-time instructor position in the Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering of Ryerson University, a postdoctoral position at the Laboratory of Food Process Engineering of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH-Zurich) in Switzerland and a Research Associate position in the Engine Research Center of the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
Dr. Srinivasan maintains a vibrant interdisciplinary research program. In his research, he conducts computational investigations in
- Electrochemical flows in Li-ion batteries.
- Thermodiffusion in underground oil reservoirs and molten metals.
- Thermovibrational and microvelocity flows in experiments on the International Space Station and free flying satellites.
- Chemical physics in liquid hydrocarbons, associating liquid mixtures and molten metals.
- Combustion and multi-phase flow modeling in an internal combustion engine.
- Evolution of multi-drug resistant bacteria
- Phase transformation kinetics in steels.
- Rheology in food particles.
Dr. Srinivasan studies these problems via various approaches, namely, computational fluid dynamics, artificial neural networks as well as statistical analysis. In additional to the fundamental investigations in these areas, he is also interested in numerical optimization and algorithm design. In diesel engines, for instance, such optimization investigations are made to maximize power output while meeting the EPA mandates on emissions. He is also interested in the optimal heat treatment conditions for designing steels with the desired mechanical properties. In his optimization studies, Dr. Srinivasan uses gradient-based as well as heuristic search methods.
Michigan Technological University – Ph.D. Computational Science and Engineering
- Seshasai Srinivasan and M. Ziad Saghir, Thermodiffusion in Multicomponent Mixtures: Thermodynamic, Algebraic and Neuro-Computing Models, Springer, USA, 2012.
Peer Reviewed Publications
- Ahadi, A., Mohamad, A., Srinivasan, S. and Saghir, M., Z., ”Water Aluminum Oxide Nanofluid Benchmark Model”, Int. J. Therm. Sci., Vol. 109, pp 148−158, 2016.
- A. Gully, H. Liu, Seshasai Srinivasan, A. K. Sethurajan, S. Schougaard and B. Protas, “Effective Transport Properties of Porous Electrochemical Materials – A Homogenization Approach”, Journal of Electrochemical Society, vol. 161 (8), pp. E3066-E3077, 2014.
- Seshasai Srinivasan and M. Ziad Saghir, “Predicting Thermodiffusion in an Arbitrary Binary Liquid Hydrocarbon mixtures using Artificial Neural Networks”, Neural Computing and Applications, vol. 25, pp. 1193−1203, 2014.
- Seshasai Srinivasan and M. Ziad Saghir, ”A Computational Evaluation of Micro-Scale and Macro-Scale Error Sources in a Thermodiffusive Cell”, Journal of Computational Science, vol. 5 (5), pp. 765−776, 2013.
- Seshasai Srinivasan and M. Ziad Saghir, ”New Algebraic Expressions for Thermodiffusion in Binary n-Alkane Mixtures”, Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, vol. 91 (6), pp. 1168−1174, 2013.
- Seshasai Srinivasan and M. Ziad Saghir, ”Modeling of Thermotransport Phenomenon in Metal Alloys Using Artificial Neural Networks”, Applied Mathematical Modeling, vol. 37, pp. 2850−2869, 2013.
- Seshasai Srinivasan and M. Ziad Saghir, ”A Neurocomputing Model to Calculate the Thermo-Solutal Diffusion in Liquid Hydrocarbon mixtures”, Neural Computing and Applications, vol. 24, pp. 287−299, 2012.
- Aram Parsa, Seshasai Srinivasan and M. Ziad Saghir, ”Impact of Density Gradients on the Fluid FlowInside a Vibrating Cavity Subjected to Soret Effect”, Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, vol. 91 (3), pp. 550−559, 2012.
- M. Ziad Saghir, Seshasai Srinivasan and Stefan Van Vaerenbergh, ”Soret Measurement for MultiComponent Hydrocarbon Mixtures from Space Experiment Conducted Onboard FOTON M3 Unmanned Satellite”, Applied Mechanics and Materials, Vol. 225, pp. 470-474, 2012.
- Seshasai Srinivasan and M. Ziad Saghir, ”Thermodiffusion in Ternary Hydrocarbon Mixtures: Part 2 -n-decane/isobutylbenzene/tetralin”, Journal of Non-Equilibrium Thermodynamics, Vol. 37, pp. 99-113, 2012.
- Seshasai Srinivasan and M. Ziad Saghir, ”Impact of the vibrations on Soret separation in binary and ternary mixtures”, Fluid Dynamics and Material Processing, Vol. 7, pp. 201-216, 2011.
- Seshasai Srinivasan, D. Alonso de Mezquia, Mounir M. Bou-Ali, and M. Ziad Saghir, ”Thermodiffusion and Molecular Diffusion in Binary n-alkane Mixtures: Experiments & Numerical Analysis”, Philosophical Magazine, Vol. 91, pp. 4322-4344, 2011.
- Seshasai Srinivasan and M. Ziad Saghir, ”Thermodiffusion in ternary hydrocarbon mixtures: Part 1 – ndodecane/isobutylbenzene/tetralin”, Journal of Non-Equilibrium Thermodynamics, Vol. 36, pp. 243–258, 2011
- Seshasai Srinivasan and M. Ziad Saghir, ”Experimental Approaches to Study Thermodiffusion – A Review”, International Journal of Thermal Sciences, Vol. 50, pp. 1125–1137, 2011.
- Jan Macek , Vit Dolecek, Oldrich Vitek, Seshasai Srinivasan and Franz X. Tanner, ”Optimization of Engine Control Strategies During Transient Processes Combining 1-D and 3-D Approaches”, SAE paper 2010-01-0783, 2010.
- Seshasai Srinivasan and M. Ziad Saghir, ”Thermo-Solutal-Diffusion In High Pressure Liquid Mixtures In the Presence of Micro-Vibrations”, International Journal of Thermal Sciences, Vol. 49, pp. 1613-1624, 2010.
- Seshasai Srinivasan and M. Ziad Saghir, ”Significance of Equation of State and Viscosity on the Thermodiffusion Coefficients of a Ternary Hydrocarbon Mixture”, Journal of High Temperatures-High Pressures, Vol. 39, pp. 65–81, 2010.
- Guillaume Galliero, Seshasai Srinivasan and M. Ziad Saghir, ”Estimation of Thermodiffusion in Ternary Alkane Mixtures Using Molecular Dynamics and the Irreversible Thermodynamic Theory”, Journal of High Temperatures-High Pressures, Vol. 38, pp. 315–328, 2010.
- Franz X. Tanner and Seshasai Srinivasan,”Computational Optimization of Fuel Injection Strategies in a Diesel Engine Using an Adaptive Gradient Method”, Journal of Applied Mathematical Modeling, Vol. 33, No. 3, pp. 1366-1385, 2009.
- Seshasai Srinivasan and M. Ziad Saghir, ”Experimental Data on Thermodiffusion in Ternary Hydrocarbon Mixtures”, Journal of Chemical Physics, Vol. 131, pp. 124508, 2009.
- Van Vaerenbergh, Seshasai Srinivasan and M. Ziad Saghir, ”Thermodiffusion in Multi-Component Hydrocarbon Mixtures: Experimental Investigations and Computational Analysis”, Journal of Chemical Physics, Vol. 131, pp. 114505, 2009.
- Seshasai Srinivasan, Franz X. Tanner, Kathleen Feigl and Erich Windhab, ”Development of a Solidification Model for Food Sprays”, 8th World Congress of Chemical Engineers, Series-Food Processing & Emerging Trends, Vol. FPET1, Montreal, Canada, 2009.
- Jan Macek , Oldrich Vitek, Vit Dolecek, Seshasai Srinivasan and Franz X. Tanner, ”Improved Simulation of Transient Engine Operations at Unsteady Speed Combining 1-D and 3-D Modeling”, SAE paper 2009-01-1109, 2009.
- Seshasai Srinivasan and Christopher Rutland, ”Thermal and EGR Component Effects on the Combustion of n-Heptane Fuel”, SAE paper 2008-01-0951, 2008.
- Jan Macek, Milos Polacek, Oldrich Vitek, Seshasai Srinivasan and Franz Tanner, ”1-D Modeling of Transient Engine Operations Using Data Generated by a CFD Code”, SAE paper 2008-01-0357, 2008.
- Franz Tanner and Seshasai Srinivasan, ”Optimization of Asynchronous Fuel Injection System in Diesel Engines by Means of a Micro-Genetic Algorithm and an Adaptive Gradient Method”, SAE paper 2008-01-0925, 2008.
- Seshasai Srinivasan and Christopher Rutland,” Combustion and Lift-Off Length Characteristics of n-Heptane Sprays Using Direct Numerical Simulations”, SAE Paper 2007-01-4136, 2007.
- Seshasai Srinivasan, Jan Macek, Milos Polacek, and Franz X. Tanner, ”Computational Optimization of Split Injection System with EGR and Boost Pressure/Compression Ratio Variations in a Diesel Engine”, SAE paper 2007-01-0168, 2007.
- Franz X. Tanner, Seshasai Srinivasan, ”Global Optimization of a Two-Pulse Fuel Injection Strategy for a Diesel Engine Using Interpolation and a Gradient-Based Method”, SAE paper 2007-01-0248, 2007.
- Seshasai Srinivasan, Franz X. Tanner, Jan Macek and Milos Polacek,”Computational Optimization of Split Injections and EGR in a Diesel Engine Using an Adaptive Gradient-Based Algorithm”, SAE Paper 2006-01-0059, 2006.
- Franz X. Tanner and Seshasai Srinivasan, ”Gradient-Based Optimization of a Multi-Orifice Asynchron Injection System in a Diesel Engine Using an Adaptive Cost Function”, SAE Paper 2006-01-1551, 2006.
- Franz X. Tanner and Seshasai Srinivasan, ”Optimization of Fuel Injection Configurations for the Reduction of Emissions and Fuel Consumption in a Diesel Engine Using a Conjugate Gradient Method”, SAE Paper 2005-01-1244, 2005.
- Seyedeh Hoda Mozaffari, Seshasai Srinivasan and M. Ziad Saghir, ”Evaluation of Molecular Dynamics Methods for Thermodiffusion in Binary Mixtures”, ICTEA2016, Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Thermal Engineering, Abu Dhabi – United Arab Emirates, 2016.
- Gaganpreet Sidhu, Roustam Pallonji, and Seshasai Srinivasan, ”Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Ion-Pairing in Electrochemical Fluids”, ICTEA2016, Proceedings of the 9th International Conference onThermal Engineering, Abu Dhabi – United Arab Emirates, 2016.
- Gaganpreet Sidhu and Seshasai Srinivasan, ”An Efficient Grading Strategy for Large Classes”, ICTEA2016, Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Thermal Engineering, Abu Dhabi – United Arab Emirates, 2016.
- Seshasai Srinivasan and Dan Centea, “Applicability of Principles of Cognitive Science in Active Learning Pedagogies ”, IJCLEE 2015, International Joint Conference on the Learner in Engineering Education, Donostia – San Sebastian, Spain, 2015.
- Dan Centea and Seshasai Srinivasan, “Problem Based Learning in the Conceptual Design of Hybrid Electric Vehicles ”, IJCLEE 2015, International Joint Conference on the Learner in Engineering Education, Donostia – San Sebastian, Spain, 2015.
- Gaganpreet Sidhu and Seshasai Srinivasan, ”An Intervention-Based Active Learning Strategy Employing
- Principles of Cognitive Psychology”, CEEA15, Proceedings of Canadian Engineering Education Associate (CCEA15) Conference, Hamilton, Canada, 2015.
- Seshasai Srinivasan and Gaganpreet Sidhu, “Technology and Intervention-Based Instruction for Improved Student Learning”, ICEER2014 International Conference on Engineering Education and Research, Hamilton, Canada, 2014.
- S. Srinivasan, Q. Galand, S. Van Vaerenbergh, M. Dejmeck, M. Z. Saghir, ”Computational Investigation of Thermal Boundaries in Micro-Gravity Thermodiffusional Flows”, Proceedings CASI-ASTRO 2012,
- Quebec city, Canada, 2012.
- S. Srinivasan, M. Z. Saghir, Q. Galand, S. Van Vaerenbergh, M. Dejmeck, ”Computational Evaluation of the Current Thermodiffusion Experiments on ISS”, 63rd International Astronautical Congress, Paper ID: 15710, Italy 2012 (to appear).
- S. Srinivasan, D. Alonso de Mezquia, M.M. Bou-Ali2, M. Z. Saghir, ”Experimental and Numerical Analysis of Molecular and Thermal Diffusion in Binary n-Alkane Mixtures”, International Symposium on Multiphase flow and Transport Phenomena, Agadir, Morocco, 2012.
- Stefan Van Vaerenbergh, Quentin Galand, Naim Rahal, M. Ziad Saghir, Seshasai Srinivasan and Abdur Rehman, ”DSC (Diffusion and Soret Coefficients) on SODI MSG: A Set of Transport Coefficients in Ternary Organic Liquid Mixtures”, IAC conference, pp. IAC-10-D9.2.8, Prague, Czech Republic, 2010.
- Seshasai Srinivasan, M. Touzet and M. Ziad Saghir, ”Thermodiffusion of Ternary Hydrocarbon Mixtures in Microgravity”, 9th International Meeting on Thermodiffusion, IMT9, Toulouse, France, 2010.
- Seshasai Srinivasan and M. Ziad Saghir, ”Influence of Viscosity on the Thermodiffusion Process in Hydrocarbon Mixtures”, 8th World Congress of Chemical Engineers, Series- Other Contemporary Topics in Chemical Engineering, Vol. OCPOS, Montreal, Canada, 2009.
- Seshasai Srinivasan, Tim Althaus, Erich Windhab, Franz X. Tanner and Kathleen Feigl, ”Implementation and Validation of a Three-Stage Freezing Model for Food Sprays”, Rheological Modeling & Numerical Methods, The International Symposium on Food Rheology and Structure – ISFRS 2009, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH)-Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland, 2009.
- Seshasai Srinivasan, Morteza Islamian, Marcus Dejmeck and M. Ziad Saghir, ”Estimation of the Thermodiffusion Coefficients for n-Dodecane/n-Butane/Methane Mixtures and Comparison with Experimental Data from Foton M3 Mission”, IAC conference, pp. IAC-09-A2.3.1, Korea, 2009.
- Franz X. Tanner, Seshasai Srinivasan, Tim Althaus, Kathleen Feigl and Erich Windhab, ”Modeling and Validation of The Crystallization Process in Food Sprays”, 11th Triennial International Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems (ICLASS), Vail, Colorado, USA, 2009.
- Kathleen Feigl, Franz X. Tanner, Seshasai Srinivasan and Erich Windhab, ”Numerical Investigation of
- Droplet Formation from Pores”, Rheological Modeling & Numerical Methods, The International Symposium on Food Rheology and Structure – ISFRS 2009, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH)-Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland, 2009.
- Jan Macek, Oldrich Vitek, Milos Polacek, M. Valacek, Z. Sika, Seshasai Srinivasan and Franz X.
- Tanner, ”Global and Local Optimization of Transient Diesel Engine Operations by Combined One and Three Dimensional Simulations”, Conference on Thermo-and Fluid Dynamic Processes in Diesel Engines, Proc. THIESEL, Valencia, Spain, 2008.
- H. G. Im, A. Trouve, C. J. Rutland, P. G. Arias, P. Narayanan, S. Srinivasan, C. S. Yoo, ”Direct Numerical Simulations of Turbulent Counterflow Nonpremixed Flames”, SciDAC Conference, Journal of Physics conference series, Boston, USA, 2007.
- Seshasai Srinivasan and Franz X. Tanner, ”An investigation of the gradient determining strategies for the optimization of the split injection using a multi-dimensional CFD code”, Sixteenth International Multidimensional Engine Modeling User’s Group Meeting, Detroit, USA, 2006.
- Franz X. Tanner and Seshasai Srinivasan, ”Optimization of Diesel Engines by Means of Multi-Orifice Asynchronous Fuel Injection”, Proc. 19th ILASS-Americas Annual Conference, Toronto, Canada, 2006.
- Seshasai Srinivasan and Franz X. Tanner, ”A Conjugate Gradient Algorithm Applied to the Optimization of Split Injections for the Reduction of Emissions and Fuel Consumption in a Diesel Engine”, Fifteenth International Multidimensional Engine Modeling User’s Group Meeting, Detroit, USA, 2005.
- Seshasai Srinivasan, ”Satellites”, Spectrum 2000 at BVCOE College of Engineering, Bombay University, Bombay, India, 2000.
- Seshasai Srinivasan, ”Artificial Intelligence”, Spectrum 99 at BVCOE College of Engineering, Bombay University, Bombay, India, 1999.