W Booth School of Engineering Practice and Technology
Related Courses
3 unit(s) Parametric solid modeling for parts with complex geometry. Wireframe and complex surfaces. Multi-component assemblies with kinematic constraints. Fitting and kinematic animations for assemblies. Simulation analysis on solid models. One lab (four hours); second term Prerequisite(s): AUTOTECH 2AE3, 2CD3, and registration in level II or above of the Automotive and Vehicle Engineering Technology program
3 unit(s) Two-dimensional drafting: drawing environment and commands, drafting settings, drawing editing, plotting output, dimensioning, orthographic projections and views, sectional and auxiliary views. Three-dimensional solid modeling: parts, assemblies, 2D drawings generation. One lecture, one lab (two hours); first term Prerequisite(s): Registration in level II or above of the Automotive and Vehicle Engineering Technology program
1 unit(s) This course requires students to research, design, develop, and implement an independent project and continues as a Technical Report II. The project plan and a model developed will be documented as a technical report and presented in a seminar. One tutorial, one lab (two hours); second term Prerequisite(s): AUTOTECH 3AV3, 3MV3, 3VD3, GENTECH 3MT3, and registration in level IV of the Automotive and Vehicle Engineering Technology program
3 unit(s) Number systems and errors; solutions to nonlinear equations; interpolation by polynomials; matrices and systems of linear equations; differentiation and integration; differential equations; applications to mechanical systems. Three lectures; second term Prerequisite(s): ENGTECH 1CP3, ENGTECH 1MT3; and registration in Automotive and Vehicle Engineering Technology Antirequisite(s): CIVTECH 3MN3, ENGTECH 3MN3