Canada’s largest undergraduate research program
As part of Canada’s top research-intensive university, McMaster faculty members are at the forefront of ground-breaking innovation. Our undergraduate students are right there alongside them as part of the team making new discoveries. Graduates from McMaster Engineering not only develop solutions they truly own but are also fully equipped to tackle complex engineering problems, create patents, initiate technical start-ups, pursue further graduate studies, or launch successful careers in the industry.
“As an NSERC undergraduate researcher in Professor Carlos Filipe’s Chemical and Bioengineering lab, I have had the privilege of developing biomedical devices to help the most underserved people. Working on projects from low cost biosensors to ensure drinking water is safe, to point of care diagnostic tools accessible to those who need them most, I was faced with diverse challenges and opportunities.
EREAs are offered to students alongside scholarships at the time of admission and support top students who have completed their first year of engineering, providing $6,000 in funding per student from the Faculty, with additional funding from supervisors. Typically, 60-80 students participate in the program each summer.
- Eligibility & Applications: To be considered for an EREA, you must complete for the Faculty of Engineering Scholarship on AwardSpring (typically, the deadline is early Winter preceding your Fall first year start). We will then work with you in your first year to find a suitable position for the summer
- International Students are eligible for this award
Undergraduate Student Research Awards (USRAs) are meant to nurture your interest and fully develop your potential for a research career in health, natural sciences and engineering, or social sciences and humanities. These awards are also meant to encourage you to undertake graduate studies by providing research work experience that complements your studies in an academic setting. The NSERC USRA program supports exceptional students in any year with $6,000 in funding, alongside additional funding from supervisors.
- Eligibility & Applications: Application/selection typically happens in January/February preceding summer positions. Eligibility requires Canadian citizenship or permanent residency, registration in a Bachelor’s degree program (including graduating students), and a cumulative average of at least B or B-.
Explore the Canadian Nuclear Laboratories (CNL) Undergraduate Nuclear Research Experience at McMaster University. This program fosters skills in nuclear science and engineering for students in Science and Engineering faculties interested in nuclear-related research. Focus areas include small modular reactors, hydrogen, and radiochemistry, with a view toward health, safety, and environmental sustainability. Award recipients gain field experience at CNL’s Chalk River labs, with funded travel and mentorship opportunities.
- Eligibility & Applications: Application/selection typically happens in January/February preceding summer positions. Instructions are emailed to students directly. Eligibility for the award requires being a full-time Level 2, 3, or 4 student in Engineering or Science at McMaster University, with a minimum CGPA of B or B-. Applicants must have been registered in one of the past two terms. Ineligibility applies to those who have completed their degree or started graduate studies at the time of application. (International Students are eligible for this award)
IndigiNerds, an eight-week research training program at McMaster University, invites Indigenous undergraduates from across Canada to experience graduate life. This summer initiative, formerly the Indigenous Undergraduate Summer Research Scholars program, offers a blend of academic, social, and cultural activities, along with mentorship. Participants engage in research under faculty supervision, and partake in workshops and Indigenous Knowledge programming, preparing them for informed decisions about graduate studies.
- Value: $6,000 in funding towards a full-time summer position; Stipends for housing and food also available.
The McMaster Institute for Energy Studies invites undergraduates to join as Climate Action Research Scholars, contributing to Thermal Energy Mapping for Decarbonization projects during the summer. The initiative aims to assist cities in leveraging local energy for heating to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, aligning with the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals. Scholars will audit energy in Hamilton, Halton Hills, and Burlington, preparing for futures in energy system integration and decarbonization. Email Kelton Friedrich for more information friedrke@mcmaster.ca
These research awards, generously funded by donors, support undergraduate students in exploring research opportunities and gaining co-op experience. They are an excellent resource for students considering graduate studies, allowing them to test the waters of research before making any decisions.
- The Joseph and Amy Ip Undergraduate Research Experience Awards. 5 awards of $6,000, issued to incoming students alongside entrance scholarships
- The Lawrence Tse Research Experience Awards. 6 awards of $7,500, issued to incoming students alongside entrance scholarships.
- The Dalvi Family Research Experience Awards. 1 award of $6,000, issued to incoming students alongside entrance scholarships
- The Liburdi Engineering Research Experience Awards. 1 award of $10,000, preference will be given to the recipient of the Liburdi Engineering Academic Grant
- The Robert J. Kulperger Experiential Learning and Discovery Fund Project. 1 award at $10,000 to be awarded by a Faculty Selection Committee in the Department of Chemical Engineering to a student who has completed Engineering I and at least 30 units in a Chemical Engineering to participate in a paid research placement.
- The Dean Chambers Experiential Learning and Discovery Fund Project. 1 award at $10,000 to be awarded by a Faculty Selection Committee to a student who has completed Engineering 1 and at least 30 units in a Level 2 discipline, preferably Chemical Engineering, to participate in a paid research placement with an industry component.
- The Lakhani Family Experiential Learning and Discovery Fund. 1 award at $10,000 to be awarded by a Faculty of Engineering Selection Committee, in consultation with the Chair of the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, to high-achieving students to support research opportunities under the mentorship of a faculty member in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering. The students must have successfully completed Engineering I and at least 30 units in an undergraduate program within the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering.
- The Materials Science & Engineering Research Experience Awards. I award at $7,500 to be awarded by a Selection Committee in the Faculy of Engineering to a student who has completed Engineering I and at least 30 units in order to participate in a paid research experience. Preference will be given to students in Materials Science and after completing level I eng.
- The Eric Wasmund Materials Research Experience Award in Green Steel. 1 award at $7,500 to be awarded by a Selection Committee in the Faculty of Engineering to a student who has completed Engineering I and at least 30 units in order to participate in a paid research experience. Preference will be given to students in Materials Science and after completing level I eng with an interest in green steel research.
- The Edward Veckie, Unified Engineering – Mechanical Research Experience Award in Additive Manufacturing. 1 award at $10,000 to support promising students in developing research skills. To be awarded to undergraduate students enrolled in the Department of Mechanical Engineering who have completed Level 1 and are participating in summer research opportunities with an interest in additive manufacturing.
- The Dr. Jason Lo Memorial Research Experience Scholarship in Materials. 1 award at $10,000 to be awarded to promising undergraduate students who are interested in developing their research skills. The award is designated for students enrolled in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering who have completed Level 1 and will participate in a summer research placement with an interest in emerging materials at CanmetMATERIALS.
- The McMaster Work Program offers financially-needy students the chance to work part-time on campus up to 10 hours per week during fall and winter, and up to full-time in summer. With over 1,250 positions across more than 100 departments, jobs vary from administrative roles and customer service to athletic coordination and research support—where many professors hire research assistants throughout the year.