Actualizing digital innovation
The increasing connectivity and digitization of our world continues to change everything, from how we catch a taxi, book a trip or turn on a thermostat.
With projects spanning every aspect of the digital world, our research teams are pushing the limits of systems engineering. Whether it is cyber security and privacy, big data manipulation, hardware systems, large system integrations or the effects of these technologies on our society, our world -renowned researchers are working with industry, government, and research partners in Canada and around the world to create fresh solutions to the world’s digital problems.
Key areas: Increasing amounts of data, cyber security, privacy, software safety and efficiency, security threats, ease of information sharing, social connectivity, hardware innovations (for example, smartphones, Fitbits).
The CEDT facilitates study of the optical, electrical, mechanical, and biological properties of semiconductors and related materials and promotes the development of technology based on these materials.
The McMaster Centre for Software Certification’s objective is to improve the practice of software engineering applied to critical systems involving software. Its research is into what kinds of evidence, based on scientific notions of measurement, can be obtained from software, and how different kinds of evidence may be combined.
The Micro- and Nano-System Laboratory (MNSL) at McMaster University. MNSL is a unique facility in North America offering fabrication, characterization and integration of different materials, components and devices at multiple length scales. For example, Nano-Bonding and –Interconnect System (NBIS) and Nanoimprinting Lithography System (NIL) provide fabrication and integration of nanometer scale structures and devices. Research using MNSL infrastructure spans from fundamental areas such as molecular interactions during bonding to applied relating to miniaturization of emerging systems for health and environmental applications.
Dr. Jamal Deen
Distinguished University Professor, Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering