(Opens in new window) April 17, 2023 Brighter World Salmonella solution: Researchers develop rapid test for food contamination The test provides accurate results in an hour or less without the need for accessories or a power source.
(Opens in new window) April 12, 2023 The Hamilton Spectator McMaster team sending a bit of the Hammer into space Robotic mount for NASA will stabilize telescope for more accurate data to help fine-tune models of climate change.
April 12, 2023 Postdoctoral Fellow Dr. Poushali Das announced as the recipient of the prestigious two-year H.G. Thode Fellowship The Fellowship is awarded every two years to outstanding candidates for an endowed Postdoctoral fellowship in the areas of Nuclear Medicine, Radiation Sciences or Nuclear Engineering.
(Opens in new window) April 4, 2023 McMaster Alumni Revolutionizing the World’s Energy Future: From Australia to McMaster and Back with Dr. Martin Green ‘74 Green has led the research teams responsible for developing the solar cells that have held world records for efficiency for 30 of the last 40 years.
(Opens in new window) March 27, 2023 News Wire TERAGO Deploys Canada's First Private 5G MMwave Research Network at McMaster University's New Manufacturing Research Institute Over the next three years, this private network will allow researchers to test and develop new advanced manufacturing technologies.
March 23, 2023 Well measured by moonlight: McMaster and NASA team up to create better climate change models The award-winning airborne lunar spectral irradiance mission will send a telescope into high-altitude flight to measure reflected moonlight with unprecedented accuracy.
March 22, 2023 Meet the McMaster team who just sent a satellite to space Over 150 McMaster students and researchers have spent the last eight years building a satellite capable of measuring radiation levels in space.
(Opens in new window) March 10, 2023 CBC News In the media: McMaster students set for Florida launch of their satellite, after developing it for years The NEUDOSE project will help measure the amount of radiation that astronauts are exposed to.
(Opens in new window) March 9, 2023 Hamilton Spectator In the media: McMaster’s first satellite heading into orbit to measure harmful space radiation The student-built orbiter is on a mission to protect astronauts in deep space.
(Opens in new window) March 7, 2023 Brighter World Shooting for the stars: How a team of researchers and students built McMaster’s first space mission McMaster’s NEUDOSE satellite team has built one of the first satellites capable of measuring space radiation in real time.
February 27, 2023 McMaster receives federal investment to strengthen aerospace industry in Ontario FedDev Ontario is investing $3.8 million to provide skills enhancement training programs to aerospace employers and employees.
(Opens in new window) January 25, 2023 Daily News Justin Trudeau and cabinet visit McMaster research and innovation hub Prime Minister Trudeau and members of the Liberal cabinet met with faculty and student researchers at McMaster Innovation Park.