(Opens in new window) October 6, 2023 Daily News Former Dean of Engineering John Bandler lit the way for student innovation and success John Bandler was a world-renowned inventor, engineer, researcher and teacher whose service and support over 50 years put Canada at the forefront of microwave technology.
(Opens in new window) October 5, 2023 THE GLOBE AND MAIL In the Media: How Brazil’s theft-resistant, electric motorcycle is getting its start in Canada Learn more about the theft-resistant, electric motorcycle.
September 19, 2023 The Cultivated B and McMaster Engineering sign Memorandum of Understanding for cellular agriculture initiatives Cellular agriculture is a rapidly expanding industry that demands innovative solutions for scalability and accessibility.
September 18, 2023 Global Center for Climate Change awarded $3.75 million grant being co-led by McMaster Engineering professor Areas of focus for the centre will include climate change’s impacts on water resources, improving the understanding of these impacts on ecosystems and diverse communities, and increasing capacity for governance, management and disaster resilience.
September 14, 2023 McMaster Engineering professor’s AI healthcare system aims to help people living in remote communities A team of researchers is creating a medical unit that leverages artificial intelligence (AI) to help diagnose and treat patients from a distance.
September 12, 2023 Announcing the 2023-24 Open Educational Resources (OER) Grant recipients The grant program provides successful applicants with funding to create or adapt and customize OERs, enabling new pedagogical approaches and costs savings for students.
(Opens in new window) September 12, 2023 THE CONVERSATION How zinc-ion batteries may solve our renewable energy storage problem
(Opens in new window) September 8, 2023 CBC NEWS In the media: 200 nearly century-old suspension cables are being replaced on the Ambassador Bridge It's crucial to have a rigorous bridge health monitoring system in place during replacement, says McMaster assistant professor of civil engineering Cancan Yang.
(Opens in new window) September 7, 2023 Brighter World A steak in the future: McMaster researchers to play leading role in putting cultured meat on the table A team of McMaster University researchers is taking a leading role in a Canadian initiative aimed at making cultured meat more affordable and accessible to everyday consumers.
September 6, 2023 Empowering innovation: Engineering students turn walking cane and remote-control car projects into student clubs Designing a walking cane with smart technology and 3D-printed race car were part of the Engineering students’ summer research.
(Opens in new window) September 6, 2023 Brighter World Undergraduate students spend an ‘eye-opening’ summer doing nuclear research A new program from the Canadian Nuclear Laboratories (CNL) offered 12 undergraduates from McMaster the opportunity to conduct nuclear research in cutting-edge facilities and to work with leading academic and industry experts.
(Opens in new window) August 29, 2023 Brighter World Federal government invests $22.4M in McMaster research The federal government has awarded $22.4 million to McMaster researchers for their research excellence and the impact of their work.