August 23, 2017 McMaster engineer works with NASA to develop medical emergency simulator Tom Doyle is among a team of experts from Harvard and the Northern Ontario School of Medicine who worked with NASA to build an immersive simulator to run medical emergencies that could happen in deep space.
August 17, 2017 #InsidetheLab: Combining natural and synthetic materials to create new health technologies Four McMaster Engineering students take you inside the new Biohybrids Lab on today’s Inside the Lab Instagram Takeover.
August 17, 2017 #InsideTheLab: New ideas sprout from nanotechnology Michael Majcher and Kaylie Lau are investigating the impact of starch nanoparticle hydrogels on the growth and soil moisture content of soybean plants.
(Opens in new window) August 15, 2017 Brighter World Engineering researchers receive $1.9 million in federal funding Six McMaster researchers have been awarded more than $1.9 million combined for infrastructure funding from the Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI).
July 21, 2017 Conference magnifies breakthroughs in materials research using electron microscopy The conference brought eight leading electron microscopy researchers from countries around the world including the U.S., France and Germany.
July 18, 2017 #InsidetheLab: Bearings support bridges, but how long can they last? #InsidetheLab: is McMaster Engineering’s new Instagram story series that gives a behind-the-scenes look at how our students are working towards tackling the grand challenges facing our world through innovative research projects.
July 7, 2017 Industry innovators appointed as Chairs in Effective Design of Structures, Manufacturing and Management Three professors have been appointed as Chairs for the Faculty of Engineering at McMaster University.
July 4, 2017 Researchers improve data centres The near $1 million grant will help create a smart system that monitors the vital signs of data centres, saving companies energy, labour time, and money.
June 27, 2017 McMaster entrepreneurs awarded $50K to develop stroke detection device The funds will support the development of HiNT’s wearable monitoring device that alerts high-risk patients who are having a stroke.
June 13, 2017 Celebrating Canada in the smallest way: Researcher mounts microscopic flag in the surface of a penny Invisible to the naked eye, the microscopic Canadian flag flies on a flagpole 1/100th the diameter of a human hair.
October 27, 2016 ‘Something for everyone’ at McMaster Water Week 2017 The community is invited to attend this free annual event that connects water science, technology and policy to deliver global and local impacts.
(Opens in new window) July 8, 2016 Daily News CaFIN: A Global Effort to Combat Climate Change Engineering deans from around the globe came together at McMaster University to brainstorm ways to address climate change using innovative technology.