August 14, 2020 Researchers investigate a growing case for distributed smart systems and AI to reduce flooding in cities The W Booth School of Engineering Practice and Technology and RainGrid Inc. have established an Ontario Centres of Excellence Mitacs Engage partnership to advance the Artificial Intelligence platform of the Aggregated Rain Grid Network (ARGoN).
August 12, 2020 Making surfaces repellent to bacteria and viruses with Repel Wrap In Episode 3 of the Big Ideas for a Changing World podcast, Leyla Soleymani and Tohid Didar share the latest on their bacteria and virus repellent plastic wrap and its potential use during the pandemic.
July 31, 2020 “It’s great to be back:” Researchers return to the McMaster Automotive Resource Centre Ali Emadi’s research group has transitioned back to some in-person research activities, getting back on track with both industry and student-led projects.
(Opens in new window) July 24, 2020 CBC News In the media: How Hamilton researchers are contributing to the fight against COVID-19 A team led by Dr. Jeremy Hirota, assistant professor at McMaster University, will evaluate how people's immune responses differ to SARS-CoV-2.
(Opens in new window) July 23, 2020 Brighter World McMaster researchers study use of wastewater to track coronavirus Researchers are investigating how municipalities across the province could begin to test raw sewage for the coronavirus and quickly identify outbreaks.
July 21, 2020 McMaster engineers bringing to market at-home test to detect COVID-19 antibodies and 3D cell printing technology Ishwar Puri and Rakesh Sahu speak about these products in the latest Big Ideas for a Changing World podcast episode.
(Opens in new window) July 21, 2020 Brighter World Two McMaster-based national research facilities awarded $4.2 million from the Canada Foundation for Innovation The funding is designed to keep Canada’s large, complex research facilities on the cutting edge to support the Canadian and global research communities.
July 20, 2020 Students are making it easier and safer for patients to self-administer hemodialysis Can human-centred design improve how patients and their caregivers learn to administer hemodialysis at home? Three McMaster Engineering students are exploring how we might improve this experience.
(Opens in new window) July 13, 2020 Brighter World McMaster and Toyota Tsusho Canada collaborate to move pathogen-detecting food wrap from lab to market TTCI will contribute up to US$300,000 over two years to commercialize a bacteria-detecting patch that can signal when food has been spoiled by E. coli or other common food pathogens.
June 29, 2020 McMaster opens Centre of Excellence to advance personal protective equipment in Canada The Centre of Excellence in Protective Equipment and Materials is a network of engineers, clinicians, manufacturers and companies dedicated to improving personal protective equipment products and supply chains in Canada.
(Opens in new window) June 25, 2020 Brighter World McMaster scoops up $20M more for COVID-19 research McMaster University has received $20 million in new funding for 17 COVID-19 research projects from the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) and their funding partners.
June 19, 2020 McMaster Engineering PhD candidate recognized as Vanier Canada Graduate Scholar Moustafa Naiem is one of 50 recipients of this year’s scholarship awarded by NSERC, and one of five 2020 Vanier Scholars from McMaster University.