November 10, 2020 McMaster-FCA partnership wins NSERC award for advancing the electrified car of the future A cutting-edge partnership between Ali Emadi and his research group at the McMaster Automotive Resource Centre (MARC) and Fiat Chrysler Automobiles (FCA) continues to push electric and hybrid vehicles to new heights in Canada.
November 6, 2020 The future of engineering education, according to global experts In this special episode of Big Ideas for a Changing World, we’re playing back a virtual panel discussion led by John Preston during this year’s Global Engineering Deans Council (GEDC) Industry Forum.
(Opens in new window) October 29, 2020 Brighter World The safest, smartest COVID reopening plan Engineering researchers are creating digital “twins” of cities and testing a variety of scenarios to guide complex reopening decisions.
(Opens in new window) October 28, 2020 Brighter World From groundwater to wildfires, Global Water Futures invests $2.4M in McMaster researchers Five McMaster projects have been awarded a further $2.4M by Global Water Futures (GWF)—the world’s largest university-led freshwater research program.
(Opens in new window) October 23, 2020 Brighter World Smart Freight Centre research partnership receives major funding award The NSERC-funded initiative will study challenges related to shipping and consumer expectations for same-day delivery.
October 21, 2020 In the media: Digital infrastructure is the new frontier We need today’s sporadic initiatives to be more interoperable, cohesive, and national. This can start with the federal government, in collaboration with the provinces and private partners, says Saiedeh Razavi.
(Opens in new window) October 20, 2020 ADVANCED SCIENCE NEWS In the media: Hand-held device reads levels of cancer biomarker Researchers at McMaster and Brock universities have created technology that reads cancer biomarker like a blood-sugar monitor.
(Opens in new window) October 20, 2020 Brighter World To measure the severity of COVID-19, researchers create a tool that can pull an elusive marker from human blood Researchers at McMaster University and SQI Diagnostics have created a surface that repels every other element of human blood except the critical cytokine, opening a timely window for understanding the progress of COVID-19 in individual patients.
October 14, 2020 Microscopic bone discovery holds promise for implants and bone diseases The team of researchers has found that bone mineral can form in clusters in addition to forming within or around collagen fibrils.
(Opens in new window) October 8, 2020 Brighter World Hand-held device lets patients monitor their own blood for cancer biomarkers Researchers at McMaster and Brock universities have created the prototype for a hand-held device to measure a biomarker for cancer, paving the way for home-based cancer monitoring and to improve access to diagnostic testing.
(Opens in new window) October 6, 2020 AUTOLINE TV In the media: Canada Develops EV Technology, Advanced Mobility & The Talent Needed To Do It McMaster's Saeid Habibi joins Autoline to discuss electric vehicles.
September 30, 2020 Drew Higgins recognized for outstanding contributions to nanotechnology research Higgins’ research group focuses on the development of nanomaterials into sustainable electro-chemical energy storage and conversion technologies.