(Opens in new window) December 10, 2020 Brighter World Don’t waste your energy. Harvest it. Jim Cotton has been working to develop thermal and electrical systems that allow harvesting and sharing of energy that would otherwise be wasted.
(Opens in new window) December 9, 2020 Brighter World McMaster to significantly increase wastewater testing designed to track COVID-19 Researchers are ramping up a wastewater testing program designed to quickly detect and track COVID-19 in raw sewage which could serve as an early warning sign for current outbreaks and future pandemics.
(Opens in new window) December 8, 2020 Daily News McMaster named Canada’s most research-intensive university for the fourth year in a row McMaster also earned top spot in the corporate research income category – attracting more funding from the private sector than any of its peers.
December 4, 2020 Creating sustainable fuels for a low-carbon future A new research project will focus on understanding and advancing technologies that use renewable energy – hydro, wind or solar – to produce fuels and chemicals to power communities.
December 1, 2020 Four students answer your research and entrepreneurship questions Over 300 students recently attended the 5th Annual Engineering Research and Entrepreneurship Fair hosted by Engineering Co-op & Career Services and the McMaster Society for Engineering Research.
(Opens in new window) November 29, 2020 CBC News In the media: Reproduction problems in male river otters linked to oilsands contaminants in new study The findings could point to broader environmental consequences in the region.
November 27, 2020 Testing COVID-19 medications using novel drug delivery technology for the eyes Hear about new COVID-19 related research from the C20/20 Innovation Hub in Episode 8 of Big Ideas for a Changing World with Heather Sheardown and Fran Lasowski.
November 26, 2020 Education research projects to help students thrive in future leadership roles Four McMaster Engineering faculty members share their findings and successes for the Educating the Engineer of 2025 (EtE-25) funding awards.
(Opens in new window) November 19, 2020 THE CONVERSATION Polypropylene, the material now recommended for COVID-19 mask filters: What it is, where to get it Adding a third layer to cloth face masks is now recommended for preventing the spread of COVID-19.
November 15, 2020 McMaster Engineering, one of Canada’s top engineering programs, recruiting globally for research faculty positions The Faculty of Engineering at McMaster University continues to grow as a leading destination for innovative teaching and research.
(Opens in new window) November 12, 2020 Brighter World McMaster inventors of pathogen-repelling wrap earn top prize in global innovation competition Leyla Soleymani and Tohid Didar, who led the team that created RepelWrap, have been named grand prize winners in the 2020 Create the Future design contest.
November 11, 2020 Advancing drug treatments for diseases using AI and machine learning Student researchers at McMaster Engineering are paving the way for more accurate drug testing using machine learning and AI.