(Opens in new window) April 18, 2022 Hamilton Spectator In the media: Two Hamilton innovators among finalists in national Arthritis Ideator Awards Lianna Genovese and Matthew Rosato are among eight finalists in a national competition which provides funding for projects that help people suffering from arthritis.
April 14, 2022 Mechanical engineering professor Andrew Gadsden leads McMaster collaboration with NASA The award-winning team built and programmed a robotic telescope mount instrument subsystem for NASA’s air-LUSI project to measure moonlight.
(Opens in new window) March 29, 2022 THE CONVERSATION In the media: What’s next with face masks? Fit, fabric and design affect mask effectiveness.
(Opens in new window) March 29, 2022 Brighter World The future of COVID-19 detection lies in wastewater The surveillance of wastewater has emerged as an important and non-invasive tool to quickly detect and track COVID-19 outbreaks.
(Opens in new window) March 16, 2022 ACADEMICS WITHOUT BORDERS In the media: Project sparks hope for improved cancer care in Kenya McMaster University's Dr. Andrea Hemmerich helped align the program’s objectives with emerging opportunities in the healthcare system.
(Opens in new window) March 11, 2022 The Verge In the media: AI-produced images can’t fix diversity issues in dermatology databases A team is working on an AI program to generate synthetic images of diseases on darker skin — and using those images for a tool that could help diagnose skin cancer.
(Opens in new window) March 11, 2022 Global News In the media: McMaster researchers say new ‘repellent wrap’ appears to resist all viruses and bacteria The ‘RepelWrap’ could protect against contamination on high-touch surfaces such as door handles and railings.
March 10, 2022 Behind the Big Ideas: Keena Trowell Trowell's research explores a full transition away from a heavy reliance on hydrocarbon fuels, while taking on a “bottleneck” that she believes evades people’s attention: the storage challenge.
March 8, 2022 Strength in diversity: 5 women reflect on advancing the future of mobility Learn about five women working toward a more inclusive future of mobility in the partnership between McMaster University and Cubic.
(Opens in new window) March 2, 2022 Brighter World Future of Canada Project announces themes and Call for Proposals Future of Canada Project Research Grants will be awarded to interdisciplinary research teams for maximum awards of $150,000 for one year.
(Opens in new window) February 28, 2022 Brighter World McMaster inventors’ repellent wrap shown to shed all viruses and bacteria A self-cleaning plastic wrap developed by McMaster researchers protects surfaces from dangerous bacteria as well as viruses, new research shows.
February 17, 2022 Minister Fedeli tours MMRI with demonstration from award-winning Mac Eng student Fedeli toured the MMRI laboratories to explore how the world-class institute finds solutions for complex manufacturing challenges in the province.