Centres, institutes & facilities

McMaster Engineering is one of Canada’s most research-intensive faculties, making us a go-to destination for researchers, students and collaborators to work together across disciplines, sectors and borders to develop knowledge, tackle global issues and advance human understanding.

  • McMaster Manufacturing Research Institute (MMRI)

    The MMRI meets sophisticated research and development needs of leading manufacturers in the automotive, aerospace, biomedical and consumer goods industries, along with the manufacturing tooling, coatings-surface engineering, dye and mould support industries.

    Learn more about the MMRI
  • Canadian Centre for Electron Microscopy (CCEM)

    The CCEM provides world-class electron microscopy capabilities and expertise to Canadian researchers and industry working in a broad range of fields

    Learn more about the CCEM (Opens in new window)
  • Centre for Emerging Device Technologies (CEDT)

    The CEDT facilitates study of the optical, electrical, mechanical, and biological properties of semiconductors and related materials and promotes the development of technology based on these materials.

    Learn more about the CEDT
  • McMaster Automotive Resource Centre (MARC)

    MARC is one of the world’s leading academic research programs in transportation electrification and smart mobility focused on pioneering sustainable energy-efficient solutions from advanced electric motors, power electronics, energy management systems and controls to electrified powertrains, electric vehicles and autonomous systems.

    Learn more about MARC (Opens in new window)
  • McMaster Nuclear Reactor (MNR)

    The MNR is Canada’s most powerful research reactor and the nation’s only major neutron source. This 5 MW multi-purpose reactor provides neutrons for research and medical isotope production.

    Learn more about nuclear (Opens in new window)
  • Centre of Excellence in Protective Equipment and Materials (CEPEM)

    CEPEM will assist research and development needs for Canadian companies, both existing and new, so that they can meet today’s needs for Canada but also develop the next generation of personnel protective equipment to become global leaders in the future.

    Learn more about CEPEM

The McMaster Centre for Software Certification’s objective is to improve the practice of software engineering applied to critical systems involving software. Its research is into what kinds of evidence, based on scientific notions of measurement, can be obtained from software, and how different kinds of evidence may be combined.

The Centre for Automotive Materials and Corrosion at MARC works alongside leading scientists and industry partners on cutting-edge science to test the mechanical and environmental degredation limits of materials. Faculty, researchers, graduate, and undergraduate students form the basis of CAMC resulting in high level graduates with fundamental and applied knowledge of materials, testing, and design.


Dr. Joey Kish

Professor, Department of Materials Science and Engineering

Admin contact

Beth McNally

Principal Research Engineer and Operations Manager, Centre for Automotive Materials and Corrosion

The Centre for the Effective Design of Structures is focused on the following four research areas: Masonry materials, Design and Construction; Earthquake Engineering; Investigation and Remediation of Structures; and Enhanced Use of New and Under-utilized Materials. The Centre partners with private and public sectors in the research and development of cost-effective construction products and techniques through sponsored and collaborative research.


Dr. Wael El-Dakhakhni

Professor, Department of Civil Engineering

Dr. Michael Tait

Professor, Department of Civil Engineering

A world class research and development centre that promotes hybrid technology and its transfer to Canada while working with industrial partners to enhance their global competitiveness and augment their capabilities in training and recruitment.


Dr. Saeid Habibi

Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering

The Micro- and Nano-System Laboratory (MNSL) at McMaster University. MNSL is a unique facility in North America offering fabrication, characterization and integration of different materials, components and devices at multiple length scales. For example, Nano-Bonding and –Interconnect System (NBIS) and Nanoimprinting Lithography System (NIL) provide fabrication and integration of nanometer scale structures and devices. Research using MNSL infrastructure spans from fundamental areas such as molecular interactions during bonding to applied relating to miniaturization of emerging systems for health and environmental applications.


Dr. Jamal Deen

Distinguished University Professor, Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering

Internally, McMaster institute for Energy Studies (MIES) provides a forum for cooperation and interdisciplinary interactions between McMaster faculty members in the energy area and acts as a point of contact at McMaster for energy-related opportunities and to communicate them to the McMaster community. It encourages and fosters an interdisciplinary systems approach to the solution of energy problems in order to establish a credible capability for the assessment and evaluation of energy systems, thus providing authoritative advice to governments and industry.


Dr. Dave Novog

Professor and NSERC Industrial Research Chair, Department of Engineering Physics

Dr. James S. Cotton

Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering

The interface institute is focused on integrating research on multi-hazard, interdependence and system-level risk to address societal grand challenges with respect to different natural, built and cyber infrastructure systems. The institute is a multi-disciplinary platform for knowledge mobilization across the tri-council agencies and has members from across the university who specialize in studying different forms of hazards, component and system vulnerabilities, as well as system interdependencies and risk evaluation.


Dr. Wael El-Dakhakhni

Professor, Department of Civil Engineering

MITL conducts world-class, multidisciplinary, cross-sectoral, collaborative research in transportation and logistics to:

  • Accelerate the identification, mobilization and adoption of knowledge and innovation;
  • Identify and address pressing regional and national challenges in transportation and logistics including those of vulnerable populations;
  • Educate the next generation of thought leaders in transportation and logistics;
  • Foster long-term strategic partnerships between the academic, public and private sectors, and;
  • Contribute to the international transportation and logistics research agenda.

The Steel Research Centre develops research leading to commercially relevant new approaches to ironmaking, steelmaking process control, waste processing, steel product design and metal forming technologies. It also trains highly qualified personnel to provide the means of transferring new technology to the steel industry and develops continuing education for steel industry engineers to enhance the receptor capacity for innovation.


Dr. Joseph McDermid

Professor, Department of Materials Science and Engineering

The Biointerfaces Institute at McMaster University is a state-of-the-art facility implementing high-throughput research pipelines to investigate the nature of the biological/material interface, or biointerface.