Earn a course credit for valuable experiential learning that occurs while heavily involved in extracurricular clubs and groups.

Maximize the value of your skills

ENGINEER 3CX3 provides students with the opportunity to earn course credit for valuable experiential learning that occurs while heavily involved in extracurricular clubs, teams and groups.

The student’s role and work must be non-technical in nature, as this course is meant to be the complementary elective version of the technical course for experiential credit offered already (Engineer 4EX3).

Non-technical roles could be positions with the McMaster Engineering Society (MES), MacChangers, Engineers Without Borders, Women in Engineering, Engineering Musical, Sport Teams, etc.


Explore the resources to learn more about this course or reach out to the course instructor, Dr. Shelir Ebrahimi.

What to expect


  • Explore

    your interests and demonstrate creativity through developing a project

  • Develop

    skills such as responsibility, organization and accountability as it is up to you to create a timeline for your project (especially in the second semester!).

  • Grow

    beyond your comfort zone and engage in unique activities
