Engineering and Management
Gain business, project management and leadership skills to thrive in a corporate or entrepreneurial environment.
Gain business, project management and leadership skills to thrive in a corporate or entrepreneurial environment.
Develop strong communication and problem-solving skills and gain a deeper understanding of human-centred design in a rapidly evolving society.
Transform healthcare challenges into new learning experiences through hands-on, entrepreneurial projects focused on solving real-world problems.
Our unique “diploma to degree” program is tailor-made for college graduates wishing to upgrade their education and further their careers.
Learn about the evaluation, inspection, repair, and rehabilitation, as well as decision making and asset management of various infrastructures from both technical and managerial points of view. Advanced entry from college.
Learn about power quality, protection, and control, energy management, and renewable energy technologies such as biomass, fuel-cells, geothermal, solar, and wind from both technical and managerial points of view. Advanced entry from college.
Learn about manufacturing process planning and improvement, structure design and analysis, and system control and analysis from both technical and managerial points of view. Advanced entry from college.
Learn about the design, development, and deployment of computing systems in the software products and computing infrastructure areas from both technical and managerial points of view. Advanced entry from college.
Fast-track completion of your PhD while working full-time at a private company or research institute.
Join on a multidisciplinary team to collaborate with community partners and propose innovation solutions to local challenges.
Network with peers from other institutions and create solutions to pressing global issues over eight weeks.
Develop a portfolio of work throughout your undergraduate career that engages with the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals.
By combining skills in two fields, you’ll increase your employability. A concurrent arts degree can help you develop the soft skills engineering firms want.
Students interested in a concurrent second degree in one of the above areas should contact their Academic Advisor in the summer prior to their first year of study.
*Note: concurrent second degrees typically extend your enrolment period to 5 years of full-time study.