Students flock to graduate studies fair at McMaster – Faculty of Engineering

Students flock to graduate studies fair at McMaster

Three McMaster Engineering students share why the event was beneficial, and the graduate programs they hope to pursue and why.

a fireball made out of stone in the ground

On Friday, October 4th, the country’s top graduate engineering schools gathered to connect with prospective students at McMaster for the third annual Canadian Graduate Engineering Consortium.

Held in the John Hodgins Engineering building lobby, the event gave 400 attendees the opportunity to connect with faculty, students and admissions experts from universities around Canada and explore their graduate studies options.

As part of the tour, representatives from McMaster University, University of Toronto, University of Waterloo, McGill University, Queen’s University, University of Alberta and University of British Columbia, made their last stop at McMaster University after visiting six other universities across Canada. One of the main goals of the tour is to highlight how a graduate degree in engineering can help solve today’s most complex technical, social and environmental challenges and create a brighter tomorrow.

Three McMaster Engineering students shared why the event was beneficial, and the graduate programs they hope to pursue and why:

Travis Ratnaharan – Engineering Physics

Portrait of Travis Ratnaharan with the grad fair in the background

“This event is really good because I got to talk to a couple of the profs here, and they don’t post information online; it’s hard to find and harder to reach out to them, so by coming here you get to network with them which is very beneficial. It gives you kind of a foot in the door because graduate studies is all about building a relationship with the prof, so I think this event is very helpful.”

Max Guan – Civil Engineering

Portrait of Max Guan with the grad fair in the background

“I’m looking into some of the transportation fields in civil engineering, things like autonomous vehicles and their integration into Canadian law and politics, such as turning carpool lanes into autonomous vehicle lanes. I think a lot of the civil engineering structural side of things, are sort of set in stone, you have a handbook and you follow it step by step. But I think [transportation innovation] is a really innovative part of what engineering can do and it’s that creative aspect that I would love to do.”

“This is awesome, there’s a lot more universities than I thought. I thought it would just mostly be McMaster but it’s awesome to see McGill, Waterloo come out and pitch to our students, and want to pull the students from our undergrad.”

Chloe Dawson – Chemical and Bio Engineering

portrait of Chloe Dawson at the grad fair

“I’d like to pursue research on the biomedical engineering side on regenerative medicine and tissue engineering. I really like the idea of combining science and engineering into innovation in healthcare. I think it’s just a really unique opportunity to be able to pursue studies in research towards creating things that don’t exist yet.”

“I’m interested in pursuing a masters in biomedical engineering and I think this fair is a really great opportunity to research a lot of different schools and see what they have to offer in one place.”