McMaster Engineering lab groups and companies showcase opportunities at the 7th annual research and entrepreneurship fair in the JHE lobby and Hatch.
The fair, organized by students for students, hosted 15 research groups and companies that presented what they do, how they do it, and how students can get involved.

McMaster Engineering has a well-established reputation as one of Canada’s most research-intensive faculties in a range of disciplines from advanced manufacturing, materials, automotive, and nuclear research.
This event allowed undergraduate students to get in touch with research labs and groups behind Mac Eng’s well-establish research reputation. Over 200 students showed up at the event held in Hatch and John Hodgins Engineering Building (JHE) lobby and presented their interest in the interdisciplinary groups present.

Sarah Arnold, the co-president of the McMaster society for engineering research, explained:
“[We] wanted to help give students these opportunities and let them know that there are resources available. It can be scary and daunting to start, and we want to help them move along that journey.”

Associate Dean, Research, Innovation, and External Relations, John Preston, opened the fair with remarks.
“We’re involved as a faculty in big important problems, we care about our impact on society,” he said.
We believe in our research programs being relevant to our society at large, some of the relevance might be coming up with a better way to manufacture products. It’s not about bringing in a little bit more money, it’s about bringing jobs to Canada.

Arnold shared three reasons why she believes undergraduate research is very important:
1. Develop technical skills with hands-on work and apply all the theoretical concepts in a very interdisciplinary sense
2. Build a network and connect with cool professors, graduate students as well as other undergraduate students
3. Future career opportunities and deciding whether graduate school is the right choice for you

Mugdho Rozario, a second-year mechatronics student, explained why his summer research co-op was beneficial:
“It’s a great learning experience, I’m pretty sure I’m going to use all this information that I learnt in the future.”