Sixty-seven researchers affiliated with the Faculty of Engineering at McMaster University are among the world’s top 100,000 – or top two per cent – of scientific experts in their disciplines, according to a database recently published by Stanford University.
The list recognizes the long-term career performance of scientists around the world, living or deceased, who are the most-cited authors in their disciplines. It reflects six citation metrics, including total citations and number of citations to papers as single or first author between 1965 and 2019.
“Congratulations to our faculty members, past and present, who have made tremendous contributions to their fields of research, reflected in this year’s list of the top 100,000 cited academics,” says Ishwar K. Puri, Dean of Engineering. Puri is one of 10 Canadian engineering deans named on the list.
“For decades, McMaster Engineering faculty members have played a significant role in helping McMaster University earn its reputation as one of Canada’s most innovative universities.”
The 67 researchers affiliated with the Faculty of Engineering include 32 current faculty members and other retired or deceased faculty members. The database shows that almost one in four tenured and tenure-track Faculty of Engineering members, or 32 in 140, are ranked among the top two per cent.
There are more than 300 researchers affiliated with McMaster University among the top 100,000.
The first edition of the database was published in 2019 by a team led by John Ioannidis from the Meta-Research Innovation Center at Stanford (METRICS).
Scientists were classified into 22 scientific fields and 176 subfields. The data was collected from the Scopus database of nearly seven million authors, of which the top 100,000 were analyzed.
This week, McMaster was named Canada’s most research-intensive university for the fourth year in a row.
McMaster Engineering affiliated researchers and their subfields, in order of overall ranking (current faculty members are denoted by an asterisk*):
Simon Haykin (Network and Telecommunications)
Robert Pelton* (Chemical Physics)
Gyan. P. Johari (Chemical Physics)
Zhi Quan Luo (Networking and Telecommunications)
John McGregor (Chemical Engineering)
Ali Emadi* (Electrical and Electronic Engineering)
John G. Simmons (Applied Physics)
Igor Zhitomirsky* (Materials)
Xiaolin Wu* (Artificial Intelligence & Image Processing)
Shiping Zhu (Polymers)
Archie Hamielec (Polymers)
John Bandler (Networking and Telecommunications)
Jie Yu (Chemical Physics)
Jen-Shih Chang (Applied Physics – deceased)
Jamal Deen* (Applied Physics)
John L. Brash (Biomedical Engineering)
E. Whalley (Chemical Physics)
Paulin Coulibaly* (Environmental Engineering)
Zoran Popovic (Applied Physics)
Gianluigi A. Botton* (Applied Physics)
Ahmed Ghobarah (Civil Engineering)
Jeffrey J. Hoyt (Materials)
G. C. Weatherley (Materials)
David S. Wilkinson* (Materials)
Rafik O. Loutfy (Applied Physics)
Raja Ghosh* (Chemical Engineering)
Steve Hranilovic* (Networking and Telecommunications)
John S. Kirkaldy (Materials)
Todd Hoare* (Polymers)
Stan Pietruszczak (Geological and Geomatics Engineering)
Samir Ziada (Mechanical Engineering and Transports – deceased)
Ishwar K. Puri* (Energy)
Donald R. Woods (Education – deceased)
Gary Purdy (Materials)
Z. S. Basinski (Materials)
Ray R. LaPierre* (Applied Physics)
Rong Zheng* (Networking and Telecommunications)
Prashant Mhaskar*(Industrial Engineering and Automation)
Yiliang Wu (Applied Physics)
Walter Smeltzer (Materials – deceased)
Cameron M. Crowe (Chemical Engineering)
Thiagalingam Kirubarajan* (Optoelectronics & Photonics)
Mo A. Elbestawi* (Industrial Engineering & Automation)
Natalia Nikolova* (Networking and Telecommunications)
Anthony Petric (Materials)
Patrick Nicholson (Materials)
Wai Keung Tso (Strategic Defence & Security Studies)
Richard Paige* (Artificial Intelligence & Image Processing)
Daniel T. Cassidy (Optoelectronics & Photonics)
Timothy N. Davidson* (Networking and Telecommunications)
Shiva Kumar* (Optics)
Jie Yu (Chemical Engineering)
Peidong Wu* (Materials)
Saeid Habibi* (Industrial Engineering & Automation)
Marek Niewczas* (Materials)
Kon Max Wong (Networking and Telecommunications)
Gordon E. Irons (Mining & Metallurgy)
Drew C. Higgins* (Energy)
Abdul Fazal Arif (Mechanical Engineering & Transports)
Yong Wang (Optoelectronics & Photonics)
Mohamed H. Bakr* (Networking and Telecommunications)
Ted Szymanski* (Networking and Telecommunications)
Michael Tait* (Civil Engineering)
Harold H. Haugen* (Optoelectronics & Photonics)
Chang Qing Xu* (Optoelectronics & Photonics)
Xun Li* (Optoelectronics & Photonics)
W. K. Lu (Mining & Metallurgy)