McMaster Engineering celebrates a full return back to campus with random acts of kindness – Faculty of Engineering

McMaster Engineering celebrates a full return back to campus with random acts of kindness

The two weeks of surprise pop-ups and events was a pleasant treat for both McMaster staff and students.

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From February 14 – March 3, McMaster Engineering students, staff, and faculty marked a positive return back to in-person classes through daily random acts of kindness.

McMaster Engineering celebrated the Fireball family being fully back on campus after nearly two years of virtual and hybrid learning. The two weeks of surprise pop-ups and events was a pleasant treat for both McMaster staff and students, as well as the greater McMaster community.

The celebrations involved daily swag giveaways, a complimentary movie viewing, and fireball-themed baked goods for McMaster students and community. The return back to in-person classes was well-received and the festivities inspired students to share their own random acts of kindness.

images of acts of kindness done by students - making soup and valentines card

Valentine’s Day Memes Photobooth

One of the Faculty’s favourite traditions is our Valentine’s Day memes. For the past few years, the Communications team creates engineering-inspired memes on Instagram that students can share with loved ones. This year, the memes were printed and set up at a photobooth for students to take pictures on Valentine’s Day. While one student remarked that the memes were too cheesy to give to their partner, we won’t hold it against them. Explore the memes.

collage of photos from the photobooth

Coveted Fireball-Themed Doughnuts

On February 17th, McMaster Engineering students and staff enjoyed delicious (and free!), freshly-baked doughnuts from Lady Glaze Doughnuts, a local food truck. The long line of students by the Hatch Bay had many flavours to choose from including the custom-designed fireball-themed doughnuts! From 11:30 AM – 4 PM, more than 2,000 doughnuts were handed out to many hungry minds!

Exclusive Movie Viewing

McMaster Engineering community and friends were invited to The Westdale Theatre on February 24 for a Black History Month screening of Selma, sponsored by the National Society of Black Engineers McMaster Chapter. The event was complete with free popcorn and another baked goods boasting faculty spirit: fireball-themed cookies made by Hello Baked! Attendees were also entered in a draw to win Beats Fit Pro True Wireless Earbuds. In lieu of paying for tickets and snacks, students and faculty were encouraged to donate to the NSBE McMaster scholarship fund.

people sitting in a movie theatre

McMaster Scavenger Hunt

The campus photo scavenger hunt was designed to reacquaint the Fireball Family with McMaster campus. The scavenger hunt took participants on an adventure across campus, having them find iconic spots like our fireballs and iron ring, while also completing their own acts of kindness along the way. Participants were able to complete the hunt on their own time and it ended in a secret location where they were rewarded for their efforts.

collage of photos of the scavenger hunt - pics with the ring and fireballs, doing an act of kindness, and fireball cookies (the prize!)

Random Swag Giveaways

Throughout the celebrations, McMaster Engineering had surprise swag giveaways in random engineering hotspots such as the JHE lobby and the Junction. Each day, the surprise location was posted to our Instagram story. Students tested their luck with the prize wheel and swag included lunch bags, pens, wireless chargers, cards, socks, flashlights and more!

ACCESS Tech Drive

From March 2 – 3, a community tech drive was held in JHE A214 where students were encouraged to drop off used technology to be donated to Hamiltonian families in need. The tech drive welcomed desktop and laptop computers, printers, cameras, external hard drives, cords, and mobile devices. Technology that won’t be passed on for reuse will be recycled.

A person drops off a monitor and grabs a cookie and mcmaster face mask as a reward