A message from Dean Heather Sheardown | A commitment to Truth and Reconciliation – Faculty of Engineering

A message from Dean Heather Sheardown | A commitment to Truth and Reconciliation

As a place of higher learning, McMaster is unwavering in its commitment to Truth and Reconciliation.

A message from Dean Heather Sheardown

This Saturday, September 30 marks the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation. It’s a solemn occasion to reflect on historical injustices, pay our respects to the survivors and recognize the ongoing impacts of Canada’s residential school system.

We are presented with a valuable opportunity to acknowledge undeniable truths, engage in introspection and commit to the significant work of reconciling a deeply troubling chapter of Canada’s history, one that has reverberated through generations of Indigenous families.

For our Indigenous members within the Faculty, I acknowledge the emotional weight this day may carry. I encourage you to lean on the resources and support systems available, should you feel the need.

As a place of higher learning, McMaster is unwavering in its commitment to Truth and Reconciliation. This was made clear again today in a message from President David Farrar. The Faculty of Engineering unequivocally shares this commitment. We are resolute in the work required to cultivate an environment of respect and belonging. 

To this end, McMaster has organized week-long programming designed to deepen our collective understanding and participation. I encourage each of you to join me in participating in at least one event. Many Indigenous community members have generously and courageously chosen to share their personal experiences, shedding light on a crucial aspect of our shared history.

AISES, a McMaster club for Indigenous students in STEM, is selling Orange Shirts for people to wear to honour children forced to attend residential schools. You can purchase a shirt at The Drain for $20. Proceeds will be donated to Moccasin Identifier and AISES.

In embracing Truth and Reconciliation, we demonstrate our commitment to a more just, equitable, and compassionate society. It is only through ongoing collective action, engagement, and education that we can move forward together. 

Thank you in advance for your engagement in this week’s programming. Let us honor this National Day for Truth and Reconciliation with the respect and reflection it deserves.