A message for faculty, staff and students from the Faculty of Engineering  – Faculty of Engineering

A message for faculty, staff and students from the Faculty of Engineering

The Faculty of Engineering is disheartened and dismayed by the anti-Black racism and violence that we are witnessing in the United States. We know that Canada and our own community is not immune to racialized injustices and inequalities.

infographic with black background and white text.

This is a particularly heartbreaking time for members of our Black community. Nothing we can say can fix that. 

The Faculty of Engineering is disheartened and dismayed by the anti-Black racism and violence that we are witnessing in the United States. We know that Canada and our own community is not immune to racialized injustices and inequalities.

As a Faculty, we are committed to listening and learning, and doing better for the good of our students, faculty, staff and alumni – our community.  We know that more needs to be done now and in future. If we fall short we are committed to reflecting and to doing better. 

We will continue to put equity, diversity and inclusion first. We are embedding equity and diversity in our curriculum. We support student clubs and teams that represent all groups.

We stand with the McMaster Chapter of National Society of Black Engineers and all students who protest injustice.

Too many in our world face unjust discrimination, bias and harm every day. In my own life and career, I have faced discrimination and bias. I know what that pain feels like. I don’t want it for any of our students, faculty, staff, alumni, my family, or anyone.

This is a time for reflection, but it should not end here.  Let us examine ourselves and take action to improve the climate within our Faculty and our community.

I invite all faculty, staff and students to join me as we continue to educate ourselves about the inequities facing the Black community and other racialized groups, and speak out against racism in our everyday lives.

Below are some actions we can take to support our community and further inform ourselves:


Ishwar K. Puri

Dean of Engineering