Affiliated centres, institutes and facilities
At the McMaster School of Biomedical Engineering, affiliated centres, institutes and facilities contribute to the overall academic environment by serving as spaces for conducting research, organizing activities and providing additional resources and cutting-edge equipment for students and faculty. These hubs are places for knowledge creation and application, emphasizing collaboration and shared goals.
The MMRI is designed to meet the sophisticated research and development needs of leading manufacturers in the automotive, aerospace, biomedical and consumer goods industries, along with the manufacturing tooling, coatings-surface engineering, dye and mould support industries.
Centre for Emerging Device Technologies
The CEDT is an organization that facilitates study of the optical, electrical, mechanical, and biological properties of semiconductors and related materials and promotes the development of technology based on these materials.
The Brockhouse Institute for Materials Research is an interdisciplinary research organization with the mandate to develop, support and co-ordinate all materials research-related activities at McMaster. The facilities of the Institute and its pool of expertise are also available to industry and organizations that require assistance with materials research and development or material analysis
The Centre for Minimal Access Surgery, located at St. Joseph’s Healthcare in Hamilton, Ontario, has successfully trained over 9,000 surgeons, fellows and residents in the last 15 years. CMAS continues to provide quality and value in our state-of-the-art, multi-disciplinary, technological education and research centre.
The Juravinski Cancer Centre operates on a philosophy that combines high quality, evidence-based treatment, compassionate care, education and research. Researchers at the JCC, in partnership with McMaster University, are international leaders in this field, making significant contributions to the growing body of knowledge about cancer treatment and control around the world.
As an academic health sciences centre, the JCC is actively involved in educating and mentoring the next generation of physicians, health professionals and researchers.
Through the Escarpment Cancer Research Institute (ECRI), a joint HHS and McMaster University research institute, cancer research is also conducted in the core areas of translational research, clinical trials, and quality of health care/knowledge translation by multidisciplinary teams.
The McMaster Institute of Applied Radiation Sciences (McIARS) exists to promote interdisciplinary research. In particular, to promote research in radiation science and engineering applied to biology, medicine and industry. McIARS aims to be a meeting point of industry, government and academia centred at a research intensive university.
The desired effect of McIARS is to facilitate the process of enquiry and discovery by lowering the barriers between disciplines, between institutions, between sectors and by reaching across national boundaries.
The Henderson Research Centre was established in 1988 as a joint initiative of the Hamilton Civic Hospitals (now part of the Hamilton Health Sciences) and McMaster University. In 2010, it moved to the David Braley Research Institute and was renamed the Thrombosis and Atherosclerosis Research Institute. Its mission is “to reduce death and disability from thrombotic diseases by conducting research into the pathogenesis, prevention, diagnosis and treatment of thrombosis and vascular disease”.