Program Streams
Earn a certificate of completion in one strean by completing 4 modules from that stream and 2 other modules of your choice.
Materials Engineering |
Introduction to Mechanical Properties of Materials |
Material Testing and Characterization I (Micro/Nano-Mechanical Testing) |
Material Testing and Characterization II (Scratch Testing) |
High Resolution Imaging (AFM) |
Tribology (Friction and Wear) |
Advanced Material Characterization |
Advanced Manufacturing Processes |
Introduction to Forming Processes: Metals and Polymers |
Phase Transformation and Heat Treatment Processes |
Metal Cutting I (Introduction) |
Metal Cutting II (Intermediate) |
Metal Cutting III (Advanced) |
Dynamics of Machining Operations I |
Dynamics of Machining Operations II |
Industry 4.0 |
Introduction to Sensors |
Introduction to Data Acquisition |
Data Analytics (Machine Learning, AI) |
Machine Tool Communication Protocols |
Data Analysis and Visualization |
Fanuc MT-LINKi and LinkageTool, A Case Study |
Surface Engineering |
Atomic Bonding and Crystal Structure of Solids |
Cutting Tool Selection (Geometry, Material & Coating) |
Surface Engineering I (Conversion Techniques) |
Polymer Engineering |
Introduction to Polymer and Ceramic Engineering |
Troubleshooting Polymer Materials and Processing Using Rheology |
Bio-Polymers: Their Advantages and Disadvantages |
Management |
Lean Manufacturing I (Basics) |
Lean Manufacturing II (Toolbox) |
Project Management |
Six Sigma |
Design and Modelling |
Finite Element Modelling of Machining Processes I (Introduction) |
Finite Element Modelling of Machining Processes II (Application) |
Finite Element Modelling of Machining Tool Design |
Design for Quality (Reliability in Design and Manufacturing) |
Introduction to Design and Modelling with Mastercam |
Advanced Design and Modelling with Mastercam |
Machining |
Machining Foundations |
Interpreting Engineering Drawings for Machining |
Technical Math for Manufacturing |
Manual Machines |
Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAM) |
Manufacturing Technologies |
Programming |
Programming with Python |
Programming with MATLAB |
Databases: Concepts and Usage |
Introduction to Design and Modelling with Mastercam |
Advanced Design and Modelling with Mastercam |
Introduction to Milling with Mastercam |
Introduction to Mechanical Properties of Materials | This module is designed to provide a fundamental understanding of the mechanical properties of materials including metals, polymers and ceramics. Upon completion of this module, participants will be expected to know the concepts of stress, strain, stress-strain curves, the important mechanical properties (e.g., stiffness, strength, toughness, etc.), the mechanical testing methods used for various materials and how to obtain the mechanical properties from the results of those tests. |
Material Testing and Characterization I (Micro/Nano-Mechanical Testing) | This module is designed to provide a fundamental understanding of the theories and applications of micro/nano-mechanical testing. Upon completion of the module, students will know the capabilities and limitations of various micro/nano-mechanical testing techniques and be able to select suitable testing procedures. |
Material Testing and Characterization II (Scratch Testing) | This module will introduce modern scratch testing techniques and demonstrate their usefulness over traditional scratch testing standards and practices. Students will have an opportunity to receive online training on how to use standard scratch testing equipment to assess the adhesive strength of coating–substrate systems. Through numerous examples from real-life applications, students will develop an understanding of how these methods can be applied to assess critical surfaces to enhance product performance and longevity. |
High Resolution Imaging – Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) | This module will familiarize students with different imaging technologies available for materials characterization. Special focus will be given to high resolution microscopy, namely the Atomic Force Microscope (AFM). Through online training on a modern AFM platform, students will be provided with an opportunity to learn more about the equipment, testing procedures, and result interpretation. |
Tribology (Friction and Wear) | This module will introduce students to the modern tools and methodologies required to determine the friction and wear properties of materials. Through numerous examples of real-life applications and online training on how to run a standard Tribometer, students will gain a solid understanding of the basics of Tribology and how this knowledge can be applied to improve surface interactions in various environments. |
Advanced Material Characterization | This course is designed for advanced learners interested in a comprehensive understanding of advanced materials characterization methods, with a focus on Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), Electron Backscatter Diffraction (EBSD), Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM), Focused Ion Beam (FIB), X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS) techniques and also includes an in-depth exploration of techniques for analyzing mechanical properties like Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM), Nanoindentation, Scratch Tester, and Tribometry. It offers deep insights into the theory behind these techniques, practical operation guidelines, interpretation of results, and includes insightful case studies. |
Introduction to Forming Processes: Metals and Polymers | This module is designed to provide a fundamental understanding of forming processes for mechanically shaping materials (metals and polymers), such as extrusion, forging, rolling, etc. Material properties and their impact on these forming processes will be also discussed. The advantages and limitations of each manufacturing technique as well as each technique’s main industrial applications for various materials will be explained. Upon completion of the module, students will be expected to know the main mechanical shaping processes that are used in the industry for the manufacturing/forming of metals and polymers. |
Phase Transformation and Heat Treatment Processes | This module is designed to provide a fundamental understanding of the concept of “phase” in materials engineering, (binary) phase diagrams, phase transformation, and their applications in manufacturing and heat treatment processes. The focus of this course will be on metallic systems, in particular the iron-carbon system (i.e., various types of steel). Upon completion of this module, participants will be expected to know the concepts of phase and secondary phases as well as how to use phase diagrams to anticipate the phase transformations (in particular for steels), and various types of heat treatments (in particular for steels). |
Metal Cutting I (Introduction) | This module is designed to provide a fundamental understanding of the theory of cutting for the machining process (turning, milling, and drilling). Upon completion of the module, students will be able to apply their theoretical knowledge to different machining processes. The module will also provide students with the ability to operate machine tools to produce a mechanical component or a specific product, respecting the safety regulations for machining. |
Metal Cutting II (Intermediate) | This module is designed to provide a fundamental understanding of CNC systems. Upon completion of the module, students will be able to classify and distinguish CNC systems, develop manual part programs for 2D basic profiles using a CNC Lathe, and test the programs through simulation. |
Metal Cutting III (Advanced) | This module is designed to provide a fundamental understanding of CNC mill systems. Upon completion of the module, students will be familiar with general CNC mill set up requirements. Students will manually program a part for a vertical CNC mill and test the program through simulation. |
Dynamics of Machining Operations I | This module is designed to provide fundamental knowledge of the behaviour of machines under dynamic conditions. Students will be able to understand static and dynamic stiffness and its interaction between the machining process and the vibration behaviour of machine tools. |
Dynamics of Machining Operations II | This module is designed to provide fundamental knowledge of the behaviour of machines under dynamic conditions. Students will be able to understand dynamic performance including resonance and self-induced vibration response in machining processes and their impact on productivity, quality, cost, and innovation. |
Introduction to Sensors | This module introduces the basic principles and operation of various sensor technologies and their applications. It will provide students with practical knowledge on sensor network design including sensor selection, calibration, connectivity, networks, and road mapping. |
Introduction to Data Acquisition | This module is designed to provide a roadmap for adding data acquisition components to manufacturing systems. Unique aspects of the module include adapting to electrically noisy, harsh environments with high uptimes, and coping with the low maintenance reliability expectations of industrial systems. The module covers the background information needed to select, install, operate, and maintain a data acquisition system. |
Data Analytics (Machine Learning, AI) | This module is designed to introduce the area of data analytics which includes univariate and multivariate statistics, machine learning (ML), deep learning, and concepts related to artificial intelligence (AI). |
Machine Tool Communication Protocols | This module is designed to provide details on communicating with machine tool equipment and focuses especially on transferring data to and from machines. The module will enable students to act on decisions as they are being made by communicating quickly to equipment. |
Data Analysis and Visualization | This course is intended to provide students with an in–depth overview of the Data Analytics Lifecycle with an emphasis on data visualization. It covers the lifecycle from its inception to the presentation of findings and provides alternatives to sustain the use of analytics dashboards and reports that have been developed among business users. The participants in this class will learn how to convey information effectively and persuasively to decision–makers by utilizing the data visualization capabilities of applications such as Tableau and Excel. You will develop a comprehensive understanding of the domain knowledge about the Data Analytics Lifecycle, how it ties in with related technical knowledge, and how to successfully apply each stage, which includes framing a business problem, formulating a data analytics project, experimenting with data exploration tools, designing the resolution to the business requirement(s), and presenting findings using visualization tools. |
Fanuc MT-LINKi and LinkageTool, A Case Study | In this module, students will follow the MMRI’s journey to date using MTLINKi and the LinkageTool, which are part of Fanuc’s Industry 4.0 offerings, to monitor a Robodrill. The module will start with a review of how Fanuc captures and stores machine data to a mongodb database. This will be followed by examples of the insights that the MT-LINKi web service provides from this data and how this service can be customized with reports and outlier alerts. This functionality is applicable to many machines that support Focas1 and up. Next, the LinkageTool and triggers will be used to gather high speed 1kHz data at specific times and data analytics will be applied to this information. This requires machines that support Focas2. |
Finite Element Modelling of Machining Processes I (Introduction) | This module is designed to provide an understanding of the finite element method’s theory and application for machining processes. Upon completion of the module, students will have gained fundamental knowledge in 2D modeling turning processes using a commercial finite element package and studied the effect of different machining conditions on chip flow, temperature, and stress. |
Finite Element Modelling of Machining Processes II (Application) | In this module, students will study finite element modeling to predict surface integrity issues, such as residual stress in machined surfaces, under different machining conditions. In addition, finite element modeling of milling processes will be introduced. |
Finite Element Modelling of Machine Tool Design | This module introduces students to finite element modeling for the design and performance evaluation of uncoated and coated machining tools. Topics covered include the effect of rake angle and coating on the chip flow, temperature, and stress distribution. Upon completion of the module, students will know how to use FEA for tooling problems using a commercial FEA software. |
Design for Quality (Reliability in Design and Manufacturing) | This module equips students with the tools to successfully design products that are aligned with what consumers require. The module will cover the methods and tools of a reliable design that can be manufactured with high quality. |
Introduction to Design and Modelling with Mastercam | This module will focus on the creation and modification of 2D geometry using Mastercam. Students will learn how to navigate Mastercam competently and gain a preliminary understanding of the more basic features of the software. The module will conclude with a project that will tie together all the material covered. |
Advanced Design and Modelling with Mastercam | This module will build upon a basic working knowledge of Mastercam, and students will implement more advanced modeling techniques, specifically solid modeling. The module will emphasize the benefits of solid modeling over wireframing and conclude with a project that will require the use of newly learned skills. |
Atomic Bonding and Crystal Structure of Solids | This module is designed to provide a fundamental understanding of various types of primary and secondary atomic bonding as well as their strength and impact on the properties of materials (e.g., thermal, electrical, mechanical) including metals, polymers, and ceramics. The concept of “crystallinity” will be discussed as well as the important crystalline structures of solids and their characteristics and effects on the manufacturing and performance of materials. This fundamental module will provide a basis for several other modules in the area of surface engineering. |
Cutting Tool Selection (Geometry, Material & Coating) | This module provides fundamental knowledge for selecting the proper tool geometry, material, and coating to achieve the highest productivity and quality while minimizing tool wear and failure. Different tool wear mechanisms will be discussed, and preventative solutions will be introduced. |
Surface Engineering I (Conversion Techniques) | This module is designed to provide an overview of the field of surface engineering (with a focus on metallic systems) and a fundamental understanding of strengthening mechanisms (for metallic systems) and their link to surface hardening. This module will cover diffusion-based surface hardening processes such as carburizing and nitriding; the fundamentals of precipitation hardening; selective surface hardening methods; common methods of surface characterization and measurement; and industrial surface cleaning processes. Upon completion of this module, students are expected to be familiar with the concept of surface engineering, and in particular, case hardening processes and their importance and applications in various fields of engineering. |
Lean Manufacturing I (Basics) | This module is designed to provide an understanding of Lean fundamentals. Upon completion of the module, students will be able to understand lean methodology, identify value and non-value, recognize Lean Six Sigma Problem solving methodology, apply basic tools to operational and manufacturing processes and products, and provide solutions for real life operational process improvement. |
Lean Manufacturing II (Toolbox) | This module is designed to provide an understanding of Lean tools and techniques and their applications. Upon completion of the module, students will be able to understand and create flow, map a moderately complex process, identify a bottleneck, understand push vs pull, apply tools and techniques such as KANBAN, level loading, and one-piece flow, and provide a solution for a real-life operational process improvement. |
Project Management | This module is designed to provide an overview of project management fundamentals and concepts. Upon completion of the module, students will be able to identify the 5 phases of a given project as well as their respective key processes. Furthermore, the module will provide a solid understanding of project constraints and the interaction between projects through real industrial case examples. |
Six Sigma | This module is designed to provide an understanding of Six Sigma fundamentals, techniques, and their applications. Upon completion of the module, students will be able to apply DMAIC methodology and respective tools to a given operational problem/project. Students will learn the basics of statistics, variation, and process capability analysis and control methods. |
Introduction to Polymer and Ceramic Engineering | This module is designed to provide a fundamental understanding of the structures, properties, and applications of engineering polymers and ceramics. The effect of the materials’ properties on their processing and industrial applications will be also discussed. Upon completion of the module, students will be expected to know the main properties, applications, and industrial processing techniques for common engineering polymeric and ceramic materials. |
Troubleshooting Polymer Materials and Processing Using Rheology | Quality assurance and control in polymer processing depend on the rheological properties of the materials being processed. This module will look at real life examples of where polymer processing has been used to solve issues in production lines using rheology as a key tool for material analysis. |
Bio-Polymers: Their Advantages and Disadvantages | Bio-Polymers are gaining traction as countries around the world are focusing efforts to be more sustainable and reduce reliance on petroleum based polymers. This module looks at the growing class of bio-polymers with regards to the pros and cons for their use and potential. |
Machining Foundations | This module is designed to familiarize students with the fundamentals of becoming a successful machinist. A number on important topics will be discussed including: appropriate digital and physical etiquette, mathematics of machining, manufacturing processes, as well as a breakdown of types of materials, the way they are processed, and their uses. Upon completion of this module, students will have built a solid foundation of knowledge and skills crucial to becoming a machinist. |
Interpreting Engineering Drawings for Machining | This module is designed to introduce students to engineering drawings. This module will include instruction on creating, reading, and dimensioning engineering drawings. In addition to these core topics, the fundamentals of geometric dimensioning and tolerancing (GD&T) will also be considered. At the completion of this module, students should be able to understand as well as create engineering drawings for themselves. |
Technical Math for Manufacturing | In this module students will be introduced to a variety of precision measuring tools. Students will learn how to clean, calibrate, and safety use many types of measuring tools. By the end of this module students will appreciate the importance of accurate measurement and the impact that it has on the final product. |
Manual Machines | In this module students will get familiar with the five basic machines in the machine shop. Students will learn each machine’s capabilities as well as how to safely set up and operate each of them. More advanced topics such as special work holding setups and how to create complex features will also be discussed. By the end of this module, students should be able to identify the five main types of machines as well as their major components and describe their function. Students should also feel confident setting up and operating these machines with supervision. |
Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAM) | In this module students will learn the place of computer software in manufacturing. The topics of computer aided design (CAD) and manufacturing (CAM) will be considered in detail. Students will follow the process of designing parts in both CAD and CAM programs and learn how to troubleshoot various common problems. By the end of this module, students should understand the significance of CAD CAM software in the manufacturing process. Students will also gain a good working knowledge of a few common brands of CAD CAM software. |
Manufacturing Technologies | In this module students will learn about a number of advanced aspects of machining and related fields. CNC programming and machining will the be a main focus of this module. An introduction to automation and additive manufacturing are also included. Throughout this module students will follow the process of manufacturing a unique project which will tie all of these manufacturing fields together. At the completion of this module students will have received a glimpse of what can be accomplished with a creative mind and some manufacturing know-how. |
Programming with Python | This module will introduce students to core programming concepts in Python. Python is a versatile programming language that has become popular in various areas, namely data analysis and automation, thanks to its simple yet powerful syntax. No prior knowledge of Python is necessary. |
Programming with MATLAB | This module is for beginners with little to no previous experience and provides a comprehensive introduction to the MATLAB development environment. MATLAB is a unique programming language that makes it possible to solve complex mathematical problems within various domains, from finance to engineering, in just a few lines of code. Thus, it is heavily used in both academia and industry. |
Databases: Concepts and Usage | This course is designed to provide students with an understanding of databases. Topics covered include the basics of relational and noSQL data models as well as the importance of pre-processing and organizing data for storage. Examples of how to interact with databases to store and manipulate process information and results will be provided. |
Introduction to Milling with Mastercam | In this course, students will learn how to use Mastercam in manufacturing processes. The course will build upon a good working knowledge of Mastercam and provide the skills needed to start programming machines using Mastercam. It will focus on the use of several common milling toolpaths and will conclude with an in-depth project covering a number of the newly learned toolpaths. |
Assistant Professor, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, McMaster University
MMRI Educational Program Manager
She is responsible for managing different educational activities at the MMRI. Her main role is to develop the structure and content associated with our MMRI Industrial Training Program.
Senior Research Associate at MMRI, McMaster University
Prior to joining MMRI, he served various universities as a faculty member of mechanical engineering. He has more than 20 years of teaching, research, program development, and product design experience.
Manager, Materials Property Assessment at MMRI
Faculty Member, Metallurgy Program of McMaster University Continuing Education
Dr. Bipasha Bose has several years of working and teaching experience in the field of Materials, Manufacturing and Metallurgical Engineering. She obtained her PhD and MESc degrees in Mechanical and Materials Engineering from Western University. Bipasha earned her BSc in Materials and Metallurgical Engineering from Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology. She has been instrumental in establishing and leading MMRI’s Materials Property Assessment Laboratory (MPAL) to support MMRI and its academic and industry partners in advanced materials/manufacturing related challenges. She also worked as a lecturer at Western University.
Product Specialist, Anton Paar Canada
Mohammad Reza Gholipour received his Ph.D. from the Chemical Engineering Department of Laval University in the area of Material Science, with a focus on synthesis and characterization of nanocomposites. After his Ph.D. studies, he worked as a postdoctoral researcher at Polytechnique Montreal on developing novel processes for heavy metal removal applications. He is currently working on four main product lines including Material Surface Characterization (Indentation & Scratch Tester), Nano Surface Properties (AFM instrument), Raman Technology as well as Microwave Reactors (Chemical Synthesis and Digestion).
Sales Specialist, Anton Paar Canada
Sandeep Grewal received a BSc from McMaster University in the field of Physics. For the past 20 years, Sandeep has been servicing, supporting, and selling Atomic Force Microscopes and other Surface Science instruments throughout Canada. He is currently working with four main product lines, including Material Surface Characterization (Indentation, Scratch Tester and Tribology) and Nano Surface Properties (AFM instrument).
Lead Sr. Field Application Engineer, Bosch Connected Devices and Solutions (BCDS) North and South American regions
In this role for the last 6 years, Chris is the leading technical expert on BCDS smart sensor devices and has implemented numerous projects in various fields, including Smart Manufacturing, Smart City, Telematics and Logistics. Prior to BCDS, he worked as a design engineer for Neoventus Design Group, focusing on embedded design for a wide range of devices, including analog switch boards, IoT devices, capacitive touch interfaces and flex circuit boards. A graduate of Virginia Polytechnic and State University with a B.S. in Electrical Engineering, he started his career working on power management solutions with Square D.
Dr. Jose Mario de Paiva received his PhD in Mechanical Engineering from PUC in Brazil. He has completed a wide range of research projects and instructed courses in machining and manufacturing. He worked at the MMRI for over 7 years and was instrumental in the development of various training program modulus. Jose has worked along side various companies, both local and abroad, converting MMRI research results into high performance manufacturing solutions.
Educational Instructor, MMRI
He is a Machinist and graduated from the Machinist Apprenticeship Program in 2006 from Mohawk College with honours. He worked primarily as a CNC machinist in the plastic mould injection industry. Adam has worked as lead hand, shift supervisor and shop floor manager. From 2009 – 2020 he has worked as instructor and coordinator for the General Machinist Apprenticeship Program at Mohawk College. He has sat on the precision machining committee for the Ontario College of Trades and has won Gold medals with 2 of his students at Ontario Skills Competition in 2019. His main role now is working to develop content for the MMRI Industrial Training Program Machining Stream.
Post-Doctoral Fellow and Surface Engineering Specialist, MMRI, McMaster University
Dr. Sushant Rawal did his Ph.D. at the Centre of Nanotechnology, Indian Institute of Technology-Roorkee. He has worked as a Researcher, Supervisor, Faculty, and Administrator and has 16+ years of experience in research, leadership, project management, teaching, supervision, manufacturing, and laboratory development. He has over 45 publications in international journals and over 370 citations. Dr. Rawal is currently involved in the development and characterization of various PVD coatings for novel high-performance tooling at the McMaster Manufacturing Research Institute (MMRI).
Engineering Program Manager, Medtronic
Shagha Rouzmeh leads cross-functional teams to achieve program objectives and provide safe care to the patients who are in need of treatment. She holds a Master’s Degree in Mechanical Engineering from Polytechnique de Montreal and a Graduate Diploma in Supply Chain and Operation Management from McGill University in Montreal.
Shagha began her career as an engineer in aerospace over 10 years ago. In 2015, working at Zodiac aerospace, she obtained her Lean Six Sigma Black Belt and took on the role of Lean leader where she leveraged her problem-solving mindset and execution skills as a Corrective Action Board manager and coached lean champions across the organization through various projects.
After obtaining her Black belt, Shagha started her collaborations with various industries such as construction and healthcare as a Senior Lean Six Sigma Consultant. Ever since, she has assisted in various training and workshops helping them improve their operations.
In 2018, she took the role of program manager at Safran Cabin for a new line of products. She was responsible for providing visionary leadership to the program and operational team for the development and sustaining of products.
Ehsan Rezabeigi; Ph.D., P.Eng., received his bachelor’s and master’s degrees in Materials Engineering from the University of Tehran and his Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering from Concordia University where the focus of his research was on the development of highly porous (up to 93%) PLA/Bioglass® nanocomposite bone scaffolds with enhanced mechanical and bioactive properties. He received the Distinguished Doctoral Dissertation Prize in 2016 for this research. He afterwards joined the research community at École de Technologie Supérieure (ÉTS) and then McGill University as a postdoctoral researcher after he was awarded the NSERC Postdoctoral Fellowship. Since then, he has been involved in several major research projects at McGill. Additionally, Dr. Rezabeigi has been a PT Faculty Lecturer in the Department of Mechanical, Industrial, and Aerospace Engineering (MIAE) at Concordia University.
Reliability Professional, Medtronic
Dr. Shahvarpour holds a PhD in Mechanical Engineering with a focus on Spine Biomechanics from Polytechnique de Montréal. He has over twelve years of research and industrial experience in the biomedical field. In his current role, he is responsible for product reliability, safety and risk management. With a solid knowledge of medical device regulations and standards (e.g. MDD, MDR, ISO 13485 and IEC 60601-1), he supports the entire value stream to ensure the patients receive a safe therapy without interruption.
Innovation and Technology Leader
Mohsen provides methodologies for the implementation of technologies and engineering services such as Advanced Simulation, Reliability, IIOT, Simulation Driven Generative, Machine Learning, Vibration Condition Monitoring, MEMS, Safety, and Topology optimization (Generative Design). He has accredited publications in Electromechanical Systems with a focus on realistic computational science considering all physics involved and the stochastic nature of properties and topologies. He has a strong technical and successful management background in various industries. He has bachelor’s and master’s degrees and Ph.D. studies in Mechanical engineering.
Michael Taylor received his RSE after graduating with honours from Mohawk College’s General Machinist apprenticeship program. He competed for Mohawk College in the CAM (Computer Aided Manufacturing) competition at Skills Ontario in 2019. Since then, he has worked with Mohawk College, CamInstructor (a partner company of In-House Solutions), and now MMRI. He is very passionate about Mastercam and has made that the focus of his studies. He is currently working with the MMRI to develop industry-focused Mastercam training courses
Pedram Karimipour-Fard received his Ph.D. from Ontario Tech University in Mechanical Engineering in 2021. His research is focused on the development of advanced nanocomposites, additive manufacturing (3D printing) and polymer processing. At Ontario Tech University, he had the opportunity to gain experience in a few novel manufacturing methods, including Additive Manufacturing, Rapid Rotational Foam Molding, Electrohydrodynamic 3D Printing and Electrospinning. Pedram defended his Ph.D. dissertation on additive manufacturing of biodegradable and biocompatible polymeric nanocomposite scaffolds for tissue engineering applications.
Pedram joined McMaster University’s Center for Advanced Polymer Processing and Design, part of the McMaster Manufacturing Research Institute (MMRI), as a Postdoctoral researcher in October 2021. At MMRI, his research is focused on two major topics, including development of nanocomposites with enhanced mechanical properties and high thermal stability for aerospace applications and using polymer processing techniques to improve and industrialize biomass pretreatment methods. In August 2022, Pedram also joined the Centre of Excellence in Protective Equipment and Materials (CEPEM) as part of his position at McMaster University to expand his knowledge in development of novel processing methods, and assist in manufacturing of the next generation of personnel protective equipment.
Dr. Bayindir obtained his PhD in solid state physics from Clark University, MA, USA. He has years of experience in academia and industry in multiple disciplines. He has been exposed to multitude of materials characterization techniques such as x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), Fourier Transformed Infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy, Contact Angle Goniometer. He has contributed scientific publications at different capacities. He was an adjunct faculty member at St. Mary’s University, Halifax, Canada, teaching Physics. He is equipped with industrial work experience and possesses respective work aptitude. He has been running Surface Characterization Suite at the Biointerfaces Institute of McMaster University over the last 6 years. He is responsible of maintaining and running the suite’s instruments. He has been involved in training students, performing experiments for companies, and preparing reports.
Meet the MMRI Director

Dr. Stephen Veldhuis
Professor, Mechanical Engineering Department, McMaster University
Director, McMaster Manufacturing Research Institute (MMRI)
Through his involvement in the MMRI, Dr. Veldhuis has worked with many researchers and industrial partners on leading edge manufacturing technologies.
His areas of interest in high-performance manufacturing include: continuous improvement through Lean initiatives targeting tooling improvements and process development/optimization and Industry 4.0 technologies including process modeling, sensor integration, industrial Internet of Things (iIOT) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) / Machine Learning (ML), all of which are applied to realize higher levels of digitization on the shop floor to drive better decision making.