Affiliated centres, institutes and facilities
In the department of Materials Science & Engineering, affiliated centres, institutes and facilities contribute to the overall academic environment by serving as spaces for conducting research, organizing activities and providing additional resources and cutting-edge equipment for students and faculty. These hubs are places for knowledge creation and application, emphasizing collaboration and shared goals.
Canadian Centre for Electron Microscopy (CCEM)
The Canadian Centre for Electron Microscopy (CCEM) provides world-class electron microscopy capabilities and expertise to Canadian researchers and industry working in a broad range of fields.
McMaster Steel Research Centre
The Steel Research Centre develops research leading to commercially relevant new approaches to ironmaking, steelmaking process control, waste processing, steel product design and metal forming technologies
The Centre for Automotive Materials and Corrosion at MARC works alongside leading scientists and industry partners on cutting-edge science to test the mechanical and environmental degradation limits of materials. Faculty, researchers, graduate, and undergraduate students form the basis of CAMC resulting in high level graduates with fundamental and applied knowledge of materials, testing, and design.