Areas of Specialization
Research Clusters
Materials Science and Engineering
Canada Research Chair in Electron Microscopy of Nanoscale Materials (Tier 1)
Materials Science and Engineering
Science Director of the Canadian Light Source
Founding director of the Canadian Centre for Electron Microscopy
Research areas include:
- Microscopy of nanostructured materials
- Transmission electron microscopy
- Electron energy-loss spectroscopy
- Structure-properties in nanoscale materials
- A detailed description of the research interests can be found on the Community of Science website.
- Botton’s Research Group
- Microscopy of Nanoscale Materials Research Group Website.
Please visit the group’s website for information about: news, research, people in the group, facilities and publications.
Associated institutes
- Canadian Centre for Electron Microscopy
- Brockhouse Institute of Materials Research
- National Centre of High Resolution Electron Microscopy
Fellow of Royal Society of Canada, Induction November 2018
Metal Physics Medal, Canadian Materials science Conference, 2017
Faculty of Engineering, Research Achievement Award, 2017
Dean’s Doctoral Mentoring Platinum Honour Roll, for exceptional doctoral student mentorship (2017, 2019)
Lee Hsun Research Award in Materials Science, Institute of Metals, Shenyang, Chinese Academy of Science (2016)
Fellow of the Microscopy Society of America, since August 2014
Centre for Advanced Materials and Biomaterials Distinguished Lecturer, Western University, 2013
Canada Research Chair in Microscopy of Nanoscale Materials
McMaster University, Professor 2001-
Research Scientist, Natural Resources Canada, 1998-2001
Darwin College Research Fellow, 1995-1998
Research associate and senior research associate, Cambridge University, 1995-1998
NSERC Postdoctoral Fellow, Cambridge Univ., 1993-1995
B. Eng. Physics, 1987, Ph.D. Materials Eng., Ecole Polytechnique Montreal, 1992
Publications 2018
Zhang, H.; Gauquelin, N.; McMahon, C.; Hawthorn, D. G.; Botton, G. A.; Wei, J. Y. T. (2018). Synthesis of high-oxidation Y-Ba-Cu-O phases in superoxygenated thin films. PHYSICAL REVIEW MATERIALS. 2, article number 033803, (2018)
Vanka, S; Arca, E; Cheng, SB; Sun, K; Botton, GA; Teeter, G; Mi, ZT , High Efficiency Si Photocathode Protected by Multifunctional GaN Nanostructures NANO LETTERS, 18 6530-6537 (2018)
El-Zoka, A. A; Langelier, B; Korinek, A; Botton, G.A; Newman, R. C. Advances in nanoscale characterization of refined nanoporous gold. ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA. 283, 611-618 (2018)
Gauquelin, N; Zhang, H; Zhu, G. Z ; Wei, J. Y. T.; Botton, G. A. (2018). Atomic-scale identification of novel planar defect phases in heteroepitaxial YBa2Cu3O7−δ thin films. AIP ADVANCES. 8, Article 055022, (2018)
Liu, A; Zhang, N; Li, J; Casagrande, T; Butcher, C; Martinez, J ; Korinek, A ; Botton, G. A; Dahn, J. R., Investigating the Removal of Layered Double Hydroxides in [Ni0.80Co0.15](0.95-x)Al0.05+x(OH)(2) (x=0, 0.05) Prepared by Coprecipitation. JOURNAL OF THE ELECTROCHEMICAL SOCIETY. 165, A2781-A2791 (2018)
Persaud, S. Y.; Langelier, B.; Korinek, A.; Ramamurthy, S.; Botton, G. A.; Newman, R. C. (2018). Characterization of initial intergranular oxidation processes in alloy 600 at a sub-nanometer scale. CORROSION SCIENCE. 133, 36-47 (2018)
Pofelski, A.; Woo, S. Y. ; Le, B. H.; Liu, X.; Zhao, S.; Mi, Z.; Loeffler, S.; Botton, G. A. (2018). 2D strain mapping using scanning transmission electron microscopy Moire interferometry and geometrical phase analysis. ULTRAMICROSCOPY. 187, 1-12 (2018)
El-Zoka, A. A.; Langelier, B.; Korinek, A.; Botton, G. A. ; Newman, R. C. (2018). Nanoscale mechanism of the stabilization of nanoporous gold by alloyed platinum. NANOSCALE., 10, 4904-49102, (2018)
Espinosa, A; Curcio, A; Cabana, S; Radtke, G; Bugnet, M; Kolosnjaj-Tabi, J; Pechoux, C; Alvarez-Lorenzo, C; Botton, G. A; Silva, A. K. A; Abou-Hassan, A; Wilhelm, C. (2018). Intracellular Biodegradation of Ag Nanoparticles, Storage in Ferritin, and Protection by a Au Shell for Enhanced Photothermal Therapy. ACS NANO, 12, 6523-6535 (2018)
Mahboubi, S ; Zurob, H. S; Botton, G. A; Kish, J. R. (2018). Effect of water vapour partial pressure on the chromia (Cr2O3)-based scale stability. CANADIAN METALLURGICAL QUARTERLY. 57, 89-98 (2018)
Bicket, I. C; Bellido, E. P; Meuret, S; Polman, A ; Botton, G. A. (2018). Correlative electron energy loss spectroscopy and cathodoluminescence spectroscopy on three-dimensional plasmonic split ring resonators. MICROSCOPY, 67, DOI: 10.1093/jmicro/dfy010
Liu, M; Zhang, Q; Kannan, B ; Botton, G. A; Yang, J; Soleymani, L; Brennan, J. D; Li, Y. F. (2018). Self- Assembled Functional DNA Superstructures as High-Density and Versatile Recognition Elements for Printed Paper Sensors. ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL EDITION. 57, 12440-12443, (2018)
Dickerson, W.; Tayari, V.; Fakih, I.; Korinek, A.; Caporali, M.; Serrano-Ruiz, M.; Peruzzini, M.; Heun, S.; Botton, G. A.; Szkopek, T. (2018). Phosphorus oxide gate dielectric for black phosphorus field effect transistors. APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS. 112, Article number 173101 (2018)
Liu, H. S; Harris, K. J; Jiang, M; Wu, Y; Goward, G. R ; Botton, G. A. (2018). Unravelling the Rapid Performance Decay of Layered High-Energy Cathodes: From Nanoscale Degradation to Drastic Bulk Evolution. ACS NANO. 12, 2708-2718 (2018)
Pandey, A; Bhattacharya, A; Cheng, S. B; Botton, G. A; Mi, Z. T ; Bhattacharya, P. (2018). A dominant electron trap in molecular beam epitaxial InAlN lattice-matched to GaN. JOURNAL OF PHYSICS D- APPLIED PHYSICS. 51, Article 14LT01, (2018)
Exertier, F.;La Fontaine, A.; Corcoran, C; Piazolo, S.; Belousova, E.; Peng, Z.; Gault, B.; Saxey, D. W.; Fougerouse, D; Reddy, S. M.; Pedrazzini, S.; Bagot, P. A. J.; Moody, M. P.; Langelier, B.; Moser, D. E.; Botton, G. A.; Vogel, F.; Thompson, G. B.; Blanchard, P. T.; Chiaramonti, A. N.; Reinhard, D. A.; Rice, K. P.; Schreiber, D. K.; Kruska, K.; Wang, J.; Cairney, J. M. Atom probe tomography analysis of the reference zircon gj-1: Aninterlaboratory study. CHEMICAL GEOLOGY. 495, 27-35, (2018)
Liu H. , Banerjee A., Ziv B., Harris KJ, Pieczonka N.P.W., Luski S., Botton GA, Goward GR , Aurbach D, and Halalay IC, Elucidating the Li-Ion Battery Performance Benefits Enabled by Multifunctional Separators, ACS Appl. Energy Mater., 2018, 1 (5), pp 1878–1882 DOI: 10.1021/acsaem.8b00436
Li, J; Che, FL; Pang, YJ; Zou, CQ; Howe, JY; Burdyny, T; Edwards, JP; Wang, YH; Li, FW; Wang, ZY; De Luna, P; Dinh, CT; Zhuang, TT; Saidaminov, MI; Cheng, S; Wu, T; Finfrock, YZ; Ma, L; Hsieh, SH; Liu, YS; Botton, GA; Pong, WF; Du, X; Guo, JH; Sham, TK; Sargent, EH; Sinton, D; Copper adparticle enabled selective electrosynthesis of n-propanol, NATURE COMMUNICATIONS, 9, 4614 (2018) DI 10.1038/s41467-018-07032-0
Mahboubi, S; Zurob, HS; Botton, GA; Kish, JR; Silicon effects on the wet oxidation of type 310 stainless steel, CORROSION SCIENCE, 143, 376-389 (2018), DOI 10.1016/j.corsci.2018.08.011
Publications 2017
P. Bellido, G.D. Bernasconi, D. Rossouw, J. Butet, O.J.F. Martin and G.A. Botton, Self-similarity of plasmon edge modes on Koch fractal antennas, ACS Nano 11, 11240-11249 (2017), DOI: 10.1021/acsnano.7b05554)
Chatzidakis, S.Prabhudev, P. Saidi, C.N.Chiang, J.J. Hoyt, G.A. Botton, Bulk Immiscibility at the Edge of the Nanoscale, ACS Nano (2017) 11, 10984-10991 DOI: 10.1021/acsnano.7b04888
Yang, J; Andrei, CM; Botton, GA; Soleymani, L., In Liquid Observation and Quantification of Nucleation and Growth of Gold Nanostructures Using in Situ Transmission Electron Microscopy , JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C (2017) 121, 7435-7441
Mazuel, F; Espinosa, A; Radtke, G; Bugnet, M.; Neveu, S; Lalatonne, Y; Botton, GA; Abou-Hassan, A; Wilhelm, C, Magneto-Thermal Metrics Can Mirror the Long-Term Intracellular Fate of Magneto-Plasmonic Nanohybrids and Reveal the Remarkable Shielding Effect of Gold, ADVANCED FUNCTIONAL MATERIALS, (2017) 27, AR 1605997
Yang, ZY; Fan, JZ; Proppe, AH; de Arquer, FPG; Rossouw, D; Voznyy, O; Lan, XZ; Liu, M; Walters, G; Quintero-Bermudez, R; Sun, B; Hoogland, S; Botton, GA; Kelley, SO; Sargent, EH; Mixed-quantum-dot solar cells, NATURE COMMUNICATIONS, (2017), 1325 DOI 10.1038/s41467-017-01362-1
Fan, MY; Garbarino, S; Botton, GA; Tavares, AC; Guay, D; Selective electroreduction of CO2 to formate on 3D [100] Pb dendrites with nanometer-sized needle-like tips, JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A (2017), 5, 20747-20756
Rossouw, D; Chinchilla, L; Kremliakova, N; Botton, GA; The 3D Nanoscale Evolution of Platinum-Niobium Oxide Fuel Cell Catalysts via Identical Location Electron Tomography PARTICLE & PARTICLE SYSTEMS CHARACTERIZATION, 34, 1700051 (2017) 10.1002/ppsc.201700051
Li, J; Liu, HS; Xia, J; Cameron, AR; Nie, MY; Botton, GA; Dahn, JR, The Impact of Electrolyte Additives and Upper Cut-off Voltage on the Formation of a Rocksalt Surface Layer in LiNi0.8Mn0.1Co0.1O2 Electrodes, JOURNAL OF THE ELECTROCHEMICAL SOCIETY, (2017) 164, A655-A665
Judge, CD; Bhakhri, V; Jiao, Z; Klassen, RJ; Was, G; Botton, GA; Griffiths, M The effects of proton irradiation on the microstructural and mechanical property evolution of inconel X-750 with high concentrations of helium, JOURNAL OF NUCLEAR MATERIALS, (2017) 492, 213-226
Corbellini, L; Lacroix, C; Harnagea, C; Korinek, A; Botton, GA; Menard, D; Pignolet, A. Epitaxially stabilized thin films of epsilon-Fe2O3 (001) grown on YSZ (100) SCIENTIFIC REPORTS. (2017), 7, AR 3712
Chinchilla, L; Rossouw, D; Trefz, T; Susac, D; Kremliakova, N; Botton, GA Nanoscale analysis of structural and chemical changes in aged hybrid Pt/NbOx/C fuel cell catalysts, JOURNAL OF POWER SOURCES, (2017) 356, 140-152
El-Zoka, AA; Langelier, B; Botton, GA; Newman, RC, Enhanced analysis of nanoporous gold by atom probe tomography, MATERIALS CHARACTERIZATION (2017) 128, 269-277
Bellido, EP; Zhang, Y; Manjavacas, A; Nordlander, P; Botton, GA, Plasmonic Coupling of Multipolar Edge Modes and the Formation of Gap Modes ACS PHOTONICS, (2017) 4, 1558-1565
Laleyan, DA; Zhao, SR; Woo, SY; Tran, HN; Le, HB; Szkopek, T; Guo, H; Botton, GA; Mi, ZT, AIN/h-BN Heterostructures for Mg Dopant-Free Deep Ultraviolet Photonics, NANO LETTERS, (2017), 17, 3738-3743
Rossouw, D; Fu, D; Leonard, DN; Brady, MP; Botton, GA; Kish, JR, Characterization of Localized Filament Corrosion Products at the Anodic Head on a Model Mg-Zn-Zr Alloy Surface, CORROSION, (2017), 73, 518-525
Xiao, B; Liu, H.; Liu, J,; Sun, Q.; Wang, B.; Kaliyappan, K.; Zhao, Y.; Banis, M.N.; Liu, Y.; Li, R.; Sham, T.K.; Botton, G.A.; Cai, M.; Sun, X.; Nanoscale Manipulation of Spinel Lithium Nickel Manganese Oxide Surface by Multisite Ti Occupation as High-Performance Cathode, ADVANCED MATERIALS, 29,1703764 (2017), 10.1002/adma.201703764
Chan-Thaw, C.E.; Chinchilla, L.E.; Trujillo, F.J.S.; Dimitratos, N.; Botton, G.A.; Prati, L.; Villa, A.; Enhanced Activity of Au/NiO Nanohybrids for the Reductive Amination of Benzyl Alcohol, MATERIALS, 10, 1435 (2017) 10.3390/ma10121435
Liu, X.; Le, B.H., Woo, S.Y.; Zhao, S.; Pofelski, A.; Botton, G.A.; Mi, Z.; Selective area epitaxy of AlGaN nanowire arrays across nearly the entire compositional range for deep ultraviolet photonics, OPTICS EXPRESS, 25, 30494-30502 (2017) 10.1364/OE.25.030494
Bavand, R.; Korinek, A.; Botton, G. A.; Yelon, A.; Sacher, E.; PtRu Alloy Nanoparticles I. Physicochemical Characterizations of Structures Formed as a Function of the Type of Deposition and Their Evolutions on Annealing JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C, 121, 23104-23119 (2017) 10.1021/acs.jpcc.7b04434
Fomena, N. N.; Garbarino, S.; Bertin, E.; Korinek, A.; Botton, G. A.; Roue, L.; Guay, D.; Pt nanostructures with different Rh surface entities: Impact on NH3 electro-oxidation, JOURNAL OF CATALYSIS, 354, 270-277 (2017) 10.1016/j.jcat.2017.08.026
Villa, A., Manzoli, M.; Vindigni, F.; Chinchilla, L.E.; Botton, Gianluigi A.; Prati, L., Diols Production From Glycerol Over Pt-Based Catalysts: On the Role Played by the Acid Sites of the Support, CATALYSIS LETTERS, 147, 2523-2533 (2017) 10.1007/s10562-017-2183-5
Loeffler, S.; Bugnet, M.; Gauquelin, N.; Lazar, S.; Assmann, E.; Held, K. Botton, G.A.; Schattschneider, P. Real-space mapping of electronic orbitals, ULTRAMICROSCOPY, 177, 26-29 (2017) 10.1016/j.ultramic.2017.01.018,
Langelier, B.; Van Landeghem, H.P.; Botton, G.A.; Zurob, Hatem S.; Interface Segregation and Nitrogen Measurement in Fe-Mn-N Steel by Atom, Probe Tomography, MICROSCOPY AND MICROANALYSIS, 23, 385-395. (2017) 10.1017/S1431927617000150
Kar, A.; Sain, S.; Rossouw, D.; Knappett, B.R., Pradhan, S.K., Botton, G.A., Wheatley, A.E.H., Targeting low-cost type-II heterostructures: Synthesis, structure and photoreactivity, JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS, 698, 944-956 (2017) 10.1016/j.jallcom.2016.12.167
Li, J; Cameron, AR; Li, HY; Glazier,S; Xiong, DJ; Chatzidakis, M; Allen, J; Botton, GA; Dahn, JR Comparison of Single Crystal and Polycrystalline LiNi0.5Mn0.3Co0.2O2 Positive Electrode Materials for High Voltage Li-Ion Cells JOURNAL OF THE ELECTROCHEMICAL SOCIETY, 164 1534-A1544 (2017) 10.1149/2.0991707jes
Langelier, B; Persaud, SY; Korinek, A; Casagrande, T; Newman, RC; Botton, GA, Effects of boundary migration and pinning particles on intergranular oxidation revealed by 2D and 3D analytical electron microscopy, ACTA MATERIALIA, 131, 280-295 10.1016/j.actamat.2017.04.003
Publications 2016
AlOtaibi; Kong, X.; Vanka, S.; Woo, S. Y.; Pofelski, A.; Oudjedi, F.; Fan, S.; Kibria, M. G.; Botton, G. A.; Ji, W.; Guo, H.; Mi, Z., Photochemical Carbon Dioxide Reduction on Mg-Doped Ga(In)N Nanowire Arrays under Visible Light Irradiation, Acs Energy Letters 1, 246-252. (2016)
J. Barrow; Collins, S. M.; Rossouw, D.; Funston, A. M.; Botton, G. A.; Midgley, P. A.; Mulvaney, P., Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy Investigation into Symmetry in Gold Trimer and Tetramer Plasmonic Nanoparticle Structures, Acs Nano 10, 8552-8563. (2016); (b)
P. Bellido; Manjavacas, A.; Zhang, Y.; Cao, Y.; Nordlander, P.; Botton, G. A., Electron Energy-Loss Spectroscopy of Multipolar Edge and Cavity Modes in Silver Nanosquares, Acs Photonics 3, 428-433. (2016)
Bugnet; Loffler, S.; Hawthorn, D.; Dabkowska, H. A.; Luke, G. M.; Schattschneider, P.; Sawatzky, G. A.; Radtke, G.; Botton, G. A., Real-space localization and quantification of hole distribution in chain-ladder Sr3Ca11Cu24O41 superconductor, Science Advances 2, UNSP e1501652. (2016)
Bugnet; Radtke, G.; Woo, S. Y.; Zhu, G. Z.; Botton, G. A., Temperature-dependent high energy-resolution EELS of ferroelectric and paraelectric BaTiO3 phases, Physical Review B 93, 020102. (2016)
Casu; Genovese, A.; Manna, L.; Longo, P.; Buha, J.; Botton, G. A.; Lazar, S.; Upadhyay, M.; Schwingenschloegl, U.; Prato, M.; Li, H. B.; Ghosh, S.; Palazon, F.; De Donato, F.; Mozo, S. L.; Zuddas, E.; Falqui, A., Cu2Se and Cu Nanocrystals as Local Sources of Copper in Thermally Activated In Situ Cation Exchange, Acs Nano 10, 2406-2414. (2016)
C. Cheng; Stambula, S.; Wang, D.; Banis, M. N.; Liu, J.; Riese, A.; Xiao, B. W.; Li, R. Y.; Sham, T. K.; Liu, L. M.; Botton, G. A.; Sun, X. L., Platinum single-atom and cluster catalysis of the hydrogen evolution reaction, Nature Communications 7, 13638. (2016)
Chu; Fan, S. Z.; Wang, Y. J.; Rossouw, D.; Wang, Y. C.; Botton, G. A.; Mi, Z. T., Tunable Syngas Production from CO2 and H2O in an Aqueous Photoelectrochemical Cell, Angewandte Chemie-International Edition 55, 14260-14264. (2016)
S. Elias; Artrith, N.; Bugnet, M.; Giordano, L.; Botton, G. A.; Kolpak, A. M.; Shao-Horn, Y., Elucidating the Nature of the Active Phase in Copper/Ceria Catalysts for CO Oxidation, Acs Catalysis 6, 1675-1679. (2016)
Fan; Woo, S. Y.; Vanka, S.; Botton, G. A.; Mi, Z., An In0.5Ga0.5N nanowire photoanode for harvesting deep visible light photons, Apl Materials 4, 076106. (2016)
Farahi; Prabhudev, S.; Botton, G. A.; Salvador, J. R.; Kleinke, H., Nano- and Microstructure Engineering: An Effective Method for Creating High Efficiency Magnesium Silicide Based Thermoelectrics, Acs Applied Materials & Interfaces 8, 34431-34437. (2016)
Farahi; Prabhudev, S.; Bugnet, M.; Botton, G. A.; Salvador, J. R.; Kleinke, H., Effect of Silicon Carbide Nanoparticles on the Grain Boundary Segregation and Thermoelectric Properties of Bismuth Doped Mg2Si0.7Ge0.3, Journal of Electronic Materials 45, 6052-6058. (2016)
G. Han; Garlow, J. A.; Bugnet, M.; Divilov, S.; Marshall, M. S. J.; Wu, L. J.; Dawber, M.; Fernandez-Serra, M.; Botton, G. A.; Cheong, S. W.; Walker, F. J.; Ahn, C. H.; Zhu, Y. M., Coupling of bias-induced crystallographic shear planes with charged domain walls in ferroelectric oxide thin films, Physical Review B 94, 100101. (2016)
Langelier; Persaud, S. Y.; Newman, R. C.; Botton, G. A., An atom probe tomography study of internal oxidation processes in Alloy 600, Acta Materialia 109, 55-68. (2016)
H. Le; Zhao, S. R.; Liu, X. H.; Woo, S. Y.; Botton, G. A.; Mi, Z. T., Controlled Coalescence of AlGaN Nanowire Arrays: An Architecture for Nearly Dislocation-Free Planar Ultraviolet Photonic Device Applications, Advanced Materials 28, 8446-8454. (2016)
S. Liu; Bugnet, M.; Tessaro, M. Z.; Harris, K. J.; Dunham, M. J. R.; Jiang, M.; Goward, G. R.; Botton, G. A., Spatially resolved surface valence gradient and structural transformation of lithium transition metal oxides in lithium-ion batteries, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 18, 29064-29075. (2016)
S. Liu; Foster, J. M.; Gully, A.; Krachkovskiy, S.; Jiang, M.; Wu, Y.; Yang, X. Y.; Protas, B.; Goward, G. R.; Botton, G. A., Three-dimensional investigation of cycling-induced microstructural changes in lithium-ion battery cathodes using focused ion beam/scanning electron microscopy, Journal of Power Sources 306, 300-308. (2016)
Mahboubi; Jiao, Y.; Cook, W.; Zheng, W.; Guzonas, D. A.; Botton, G. A.; Kish, J. R., Stability of Chromia (Cr2O3)-Based Scales Formed During Corrosion of Austenitic Fe-Cr-Ni Alloys in Flowing Oxygenated Supercritical Water, Corrosion 72, 1170-1180. (2016)
G. D. Melo; Hitchcock, A. P.; Berejnov, V.; Susac, D.; Stumper, J.; Botton, G. A., Evaluating focused ion beam and ultramicrotome sample preparation for analytical microscopies of the cathode layer of a polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell, Journal of Power Sources 312, 23-35. (2016)
Mi; Zhao, S.; Woo, S. Y.; Bugnet, M.; Djavid, M.; Liu, X.; Kang, J.; Kong, X.; Ji, W.; Guo, H.; Liu, Z.; Botton, G. A., Molecular beam epitaxial growth and characterization of Al(Ga)N nanowire deep ultraviolet light emitting diodes and lasers, Journal of Physics D-Applied Physics 49, 364006. (2016)
Y. Persaud; Ramamurthy, S.; Korinek, A.; Botton, G. A.; Newman, R. C., The influence of the high Fe and Cr contents of Alloy 800 on its inter and intragranular oxidation tendency in 480 degrees C hydrogenated steam, Corrosion Science 106, 117-126. (2016)
Y. Persaud; Smith, J.; Korinek, A.; Botton, G. A.; Newman, R. C., High resolution analysis of oxidation in Ni-Fe-Cr alloys after exposure to 315 degrees C deaerated water with added hydrogen, Corrosion Science 106, 236-248. (2016)
H. Ra; Wang, R. J.; Woo, S. Y.; Djavid, M.; Sadaf, S. M.; Lee, J.; Botton, G. A.; Mi, Z. T., Full-Color Single Nanowire Pixels for Projection Displays, Nano Letters 16, 4608-4615. (2016)
Rossouw; Langelier, B.; Scullion, A.; Danaie, M.; Botton, G. A., Multivariate-aided mapping of rare-earth partitioning in a wrought magnesium alloy, Scripta Materialia 124, 174-178. (2016)
Sato; Bugnet, M.; Terauchi, M.; Botton, G. A.; Yoshiasa, A., Heterogeneous diamond phases in compressed graphite studied by electron energy-loss spectroscopy, Diamond and Related Materials 64, 190-196. (2016)
P. Van Landeghem; Langelier, B.; Panahi, D.; Purdy, G. R.; Hutchinson, C. R.; Botton, G. A.; Zurob, H. S., Solute Segregation During Ferrite Growth: Solute/Interphase and Substitutional/Interstitial Interactions, Jom 68, 1329-1334. (2016)
Y. Wang; Higgins, D. C.; Lee, D. U.; Prabhudev, S.; Hassan, F. M.; Chabot, V.; Lui, G.; Jiang, G. P.; Choi, J. Y.; Rasenthiram, L.; Fu, J.; Botton, G.; Chen, Z. W., Biomimetic design of monolithic fuel cell electrodes with hierarchical structures, Nano Energy 20, 57-67. (2016)
Zhao; Woo, S. Y.; Sadaf, S. M.; Wu, Y.; Pofelski, A.; Laleyan, D. A.; Rashid, R. T.; Wang, Y.; Botton, G. A.; Mi, Z., Molecular beam epitaxy growth of Al-rich AlGaN nanowires for deep ultraviolet optoelectronics, Apl Materials 4, 086115. (2016)
Publications 2015
Prabhudev, S; Bugnet, M; Zhu, GZ; Bock, C; Botton, GA, 2015, Surface Segregation of Fe in Pt-Fe Alloy Nanoparticles: Its Precedence and Effect on the Ordered-Phase Evolution during Thermal Annealing, CHEMCATCHEM 7(22), 3655-3664.
Majdi, G.Z. Zhu, J. Carvalho, V. Jarvis, K. Meinander, JF. Britten, G.A. Botton, J.S. Preston, Evidence for an equilibrium epitaxial complexion at the Au-MgAl2O4 interface, APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, 2015, Vol 107, Article 241601
Zhao, SY. Woo, M. Bugnet, X. Liu, J Kang, G.A. Botton, Z. Mi, Three-Dimensional Quantum Confinement of Charge Carriers in Self-Organized AlGaN Nanowires: A Viable Route to Electrically Injected Deep Ultraviolet Lasers, Nano Letters, (2015), 15, 7801-7807
Choudhry, KI; Mahboubi, S; Botton, GA; Kish, JR; Svishchev, IM, 2015, Corrosion of engineering materials in a supercritical water cooled reactor: Characterization of oxide scales on Alloy 800H and stainless steel 316, CORROSION SCIENCE, 100, 222-230.
Bidabadi, AS; Korinek, A; Botton, GA; Varin, RA, 2015, High resolution transmission electron microscopy (TEM), energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) and X-ray diffraction studies of nanocrystalline manganese borohydride (Mn(BH4)(2)) after mechano-chemical synthesis and thermal dehydrogenation, ACTA MATERIALIA, 100, 392-400.
Woo, SY; Bugnet, M; Nguyen, HPT; Mi, ZT; Botton, GA, 2015, Atomic Ordering in InGaN Alloys within Nanowire Heterostructures, NANO LETTERS, 15(10), 6413-6418.
Farahi, N; Prabhudev, S; Botton, GA; Zhao, JB; Tse, JS; Liu, ZX; Salvador, JR; Kleinke, H, 2015, Local structure and thermoelectric properties of Mg2Si0.977-xGexBi0.023 (0.1 <= x <= 0.4), JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS, 644, 249-255.
Mahboubi, S; Botton, GA; Kish, JR, 2015, Technical Note: Corrosion Resistance of Alloy 33 (Fe-33Cr-32Ni) in Supercritical Water, CORROSION, 71(9), 1064-1070.
Woo, SY; Gauquelin, N; Nguyen, HPT; Mi, ZT; Botton, GA, 2015, Interplay of strain and indium incorporation in InGaN/GaN dot-in-a-wire nanostructures by scanning transmission electron microscopy, NANOTECHNOLOGY, 26(34), 344002.
Mahboubi, S; Botton, GA; Kish, JR, 2015, On the Oxidation Resistance of Alloy 800HT Exposed in Supercritical Water (SCW), CORROSION, 71(8), 992-1002.
Zhao, S; Liu, X; Woo, SY; Kang, J; Botton, GA; Mi, Z, 2015, An electrically injected AlGaN nanowire laser operating in the ultraviolet-C band, APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, 107(4), 043101.
Foster, JM; Gully, A; Liu, H; Krachkovskiy, S; Wu, Y; Schougaard, SB; Jiang, M; Goward, G; Botton, GA; Protas, B, 2015, Homogenization Study of the Effects of Cycling on the Electronic Conductivity of Commercial Lithium-Ion Battery Cathodes, JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C, 119(22), 12199-12208.
Jaksic, JM; Nan, FH; Papakonstantinou, GD; Botton, GA; Jaksic, MM, 2015, Theory, Substantiation, and Properties of Novel Reversible Electrocatalysts for Oxygen Electrode Reactions, JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C, 119(21), 11267-11285.
Danaie, M; Fritzsche, H; Kalisvaart, WP; Tan, XH; Mitlin, D; Botton, GA; Huot, J, 2015, Reactions in a multilayered Si (substrate)/Ta/Mg/Fe/Ta/Pd thin-film structure during annealing and deuterium absorption, ACTA MATERIALIA, 90, 259-271.
Fan, SZ; AlOtaibi, B; Woo, SY; Wang, YJ; Botton, GA; Mi, ZT, 2015, High Efficiency Solar-to-Hydrogen Conversion on a Monolithically Integrated InGaN/GaN/Si Adaptive Tunnel Junction Photocathode, NANO LETTERS, 15(4), 2721-2726.
Shen, HX; Zhu, GZ; Botton, GA; Kitai, A, 2015, Two-dimensional X-ray diffraction and transmission electron microscopy study on the effect of magnetron sputtering atmosphere on GaN/SiC interface and gallium nitride thin film crystal structure, JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, 117(11), 115301.
Tan, XH; Prabhudev, S; Kohandehghan, A; Karpuzov, D; Botton, GA; Mitlin, D, 2015, Pt-Au-Co Alloy Electrocatalysts Demonstrating Enhanced Activity and Durability toward the Oxygen Reduction Reaction, ACS CATALYSIS, 5(3), 1513-1524.
Scullion, A; Thompson, DA; Botton, GA, 2015, Growth and kinetic Monte Carlo simulation of InAs quantum wires on vicinal substrates, JOURNAL OF CRYSTAL GROWTH, 412, 87-94.
Cano, ZP; Danaie, M; Kish, JR; McDermid, JR; Botton, GA; Williams, G, 2015, Physical Characterization of Cathodically-Activated Corrosion Filaments on Magnesium Alloy AZ31B, CORROSION, 71(2), 146-159.
Judge, CD; Gauquelin, N; Walters, L; Wright, M; Cole, JI; Madden, J; Botton, GA; Griffiths, M, 2015, Intergranular fracture in irradiated Inconel X-750 containing very high concentrations of helium and hydrogen, JOURNAL OF NUCLEAR MATERIALS, 457, 165-172.
Nguyen, HPT; Djavid, M; Woo, SY; Liu, XH; Connie, AT; Sadaf, SM; Wang, Q; Botton, GA; Shih, I; Mi, ZT, 2015, Engineering the Carrier Dynamics of InGaN Nanowire White Light-Emitting Diodes by Distributed p-AlGaN Electron Blocking Layers, SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, 5, 7744.
Espinosa, A; Bugnet, M; Radtke, G; Neveu, S; Botton, GA; Wilhelm, C; Abou-Hassan, A, Can magneto-plasmonic nanohybrids efficiently combine photothermia with magnetic hyperthermia?, NANOSCALE, 7(45), 18872-18877.
Dauphin-Ducharme, P; Kuss, C; Rossouw, D; Payne, NA; Danis, L; Botton, GA; Mauzeroll, J, 2015, Corrosion Product Formation Monitored Using the Feedback Mode of Scanning Electrochemical Microscopy with Carbon Microelectrodes, JOURNAL OF THE ELECTROCHEMICAL SOCIETY, 162(12), C677-C683.
Tefashe, UM; Dauphin-Ducharme, P; Danaie, M; Cano, ZP; Kish, JR; Botton, GA; Mauzeroll, J, 2015, Localized Corrosion Behaviour of AZ31B Magnesium Alloy with an Electrodeposited Poly(3,4-Ethylenedioxythiophene) Coating, JOURNAL OF THE ELECTROCHEMICAL SOCIETY, 162(10), C536-C544.
Farahi, N; Prabhudev, S; Bugnet, M; Botton, GA; Zhao, JB; Tse, JS; Salvador, JR; Kleinke, H, 2015, Enhanced figure of merit in Mg2Si0.877Ge0.1Bi0.023/multi wall carbon nanotube nanocomposites, RSC ADVANCES, 5(80), 65328-65336.
Wang, RY; Higgins, DC; Prabhudev, S; Lee, DU; Choi, JY; Hoque, MA; Botton, GA; Chen, ZW, 2015, Synthesis and structural evolution of Pt nanotubular skeletons: revealing the source of the instability of nanostructured electrocatalysts, JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A, 3(24), 12663-12671.
Nguyen, HPT; Djavid, M; Woo, SY; Liu, XH; Wang, Q; Botton, GA; Mi, ZT, 2015, High-Power Phosphor-Free InGaN/AlGaN Dot-in-a-Wire Core-Shell White-Light-Emitting Diodes, LIGHT-EMITTING DIODES: MATERIALS, DEVICES, AND APPLICATIONS FOR SOLID STATE LIGHTING XIX, Proceedings of SPIE, 9383, 938307.
Botton, GA; Calderon, HA; Kisielowski, C, 2015, Special Section on Electron-Beam Irradiation Effects, Modifications and Control Preface, MICRON, 68, 140-140.
Zhu, GZ; Botton, GA, 2015, Damage behaviour and atomic migration in MgAl2O4 under an 80 keV scanning focused probe in a STEM¸MICRON, 68, 141-145.