Deena Al-Sammak, Level 3 HESE, is the recipient of iBioMed’s Entrepreneurship Experience Award (EEA). This award, valued at $9,000, promotes entrepreneurship in equity-deserving groups in the Health, Engineering Science and Entrepreneurship (HESE) Specialization.
It includes a scholarship program that will facilitate and encourage students from equity-deserving groups in HESE to pursue entrepreneurial activities at the University level through a placement and mentorship.
This summer, Deena is developing her company HarmonEase Innovations. Her company is developing an assistive device for piano players who have limited hand mobility and finger dexterity. This device uses finger-like projections to access the piano and play various melodies, chords, and arpeggios. Her goal this summer is to develop a prototype to test with potential users.
What does this award mean to you?
The best adjective I could possibly use to describe entrepreneurship is daunting. There have been so many mornings where I wake up unsure if I’ve picked the wrong path for my future and yet alongside every doubtful thought there’s a voice that reassures me. I firmly believe that this inner voice is a manifestation of God’s presence in my life, assuring me that He will navigate me through every moment of hesitation and indecision. At the end of the day, the financial support that comes alongside the Entrepreneurship Experience Award will dissipate but I perceive this award as a divine invitation from God Himself. It’s a call for me to reach out, grasp His guiding hand, and wholeheartedly embrace the passion that He has bestowed upon me. I believe that this invitation to make a difference and have an impact through the EEA award is a profound blessing and an honor to receive!
This award promotes entrepreneurship in equity-deserving groups in iBioMed’s HESE program. Can you comment a bit about the importance of equity and diversity in entrepreneurship and STEM fields?
I think that diversity is of the utmost importance in entrepreneurship and crucial for innovation. The beauty of diversity is that it offers perspective, the key for driving innovation in STEM. As a Middle Eastern woman, I truly appreciate the values of my ethnic culture and I hold the perspective it’s given me in high regard. At the same time, I value the diversity that other cultures present, and I believe that we are beautifully created to be different so that we as unique individuals can work together synergistically to drive positive change in our world.
Do you have any advice for those in equity-deserving groups who are interested in pursuing entrepreneurship or a career in STEM?
I always thought that innovation starts with an idea, but I’ve recently learned that’s not always true! You don’t have to wait for the perfect idea to pursue a passion in entrepreneurship. The different individuals we speak with all have different backgrounds and experiences, all of which can nourish our thoughts and ignite a spark. Sometimes it just takes a simple email or a small conversation with the right person/people to get you started!

You’ve been very involved at The Clinic. Can you share a bit about your involvement and experience (what have you learned, who you’ve worked with etc.)?
When I first became involved with The Clinic, I was working on a research project inspired by our first year IBEHS 1EP6 course. I spoke with Dr. (Anna) Korol (Associate Director, iBioMed Program, Health Sciences) at the time, and she really encouraged my passion for healthcare innovation and directed me towards The Clinic. From there, I was paired with my coach Karen, who has such a wealth of knowledge in healthcare entrepreneurship and has been nothing short of supportive throughout my journey! I also took part in the Fall 2022 Health Innovation Bootcamp which is what got me involved with The Clinic. Since then, I applied for The Clinic’s Residency program and have been working with my coach Lianna Genovese, iBioMed Mechanical & Biomedical Engineering graduate, to develop my company.
The Clinic has really become my go-to place to think, innovate, ideate, and create, and the community has really been my backbone throughout this journey. It makes you want to wake up every morning with the drive to be a healthcare innovator!
Applications for the Entrepreneurship Experience Award open in March each year. To be eligible, applicants must be in Level II or above in the Health, Engineering Science and Entrepreneurship (HESE) Program of the Integrated Biomedical Engineering and Health Sciences (IBEHS) Program with a demonstrated interest in Innovation and Entrepreneurship and who self-identify as belonging to an equity-deserving group.