Discover McMaster
Discover all that McMaster University has to offer students and find out why McMaster is ranked one of the top 100 universities in the world.
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Come and discover iBioMed at McMaster. Experience an education that represents far more than a collection of facts, concepts and answers. Our award-winning professors and researchers value innovative teaching, a lifelong passion for learning, and working at the frontiers of knowledge.
McMaster’s iBioMed program will prepare you to become a leader in both the Health Sciences and Engineering fields. Please explore iBioMed at McMaster through the information and resources below.
Discover all that McMaster University has to offer students and find out why McMaster is ranked one of the top 100 universities in the world.
Explore McMaster Engineering’s Degree + Experience promise. At McMaster Engineering, we offer experiences that help create global-ready, socially aware citizens through project-based classes, flexible work terms, research opportunities and dozens of clubs and teams.
The Faculty of Health Sciences at McMaster ranks in the top 50 in the world for health and medicine and is a global leader in the way we approach health education, medicine and patient care. As the birthplace of problem-based learning and evidence-based medicine, we understand that what you learn is as important as how you learn it.