Dr. Michelle MacDonald – Faculty of Engineering
Michelle MacDonald

Dr. Michelle MacDonald


Biomedical, interdisciplinary
  • Co-Director

    Integrated Biomedical Engineering & Health Sciences


As a graduate of McMaster’s Biochemistry undergraduate program, Dr. MacDonald remained at McMaster and pursued a Ph.D. in the Medical Sciences Graduate Programme in the Faculty of Health Sciences in the area of Muscle Biochemistry. Her Ph.D. thesis focused on “The regulation of carbohydrate and lactate metabolism in human skeletal muscle.” Dr. MacDonald continued with a Postdoctoral Fellowship at the University of Waterloo in the Department of Kinesiology where her research focused on “Fatty acid transport proteins in skeletal muscle and adipose tissue of lean and obese patients and their role in the development of Type 2 diabetes.”  Her interests now lie in undergraduate education where she teaches courses in Metabolism and Science Communication.

Did you know?

Dr. MacDonald is a faculty member in the Biomedical Discovery & Commercialization (BDC) Program and is also on Mac’s Enrolment Management Team.

Other roles:

Associate Professor
Biochemistry & Biomedical Sciences

B.Sc., Ph.D. (McMaster)