Engineering Physics graduate studies contact form – Faculty of Engineering

Engineering Physics graduate studies contact form

Engineering Physics Graduate Studies Contact Form

If you are interested in studying with any of our Faculty members, fill out this form to get in touch and discuss your options! This form is our way of helping you in the process and is the best point of initial contact.

"*" indicates required fields

Some Tips to Get You Started:
– Tell us which professor you are interested in. Please use 1 form per faculty member.
– Do your homework – tell us which specific project you are interested in and with whom. Do some research in the area, read some of the professor’s papers, and present an interest in a specific project related to the professor’s research. Demonstrate that you have some initiative and provide the professor with some demonstration that you’ve actually read their work and thought about a project that interests you.
– Why should we hire you? What courses, skills, and experiences do you possess that are relevant to the project. Prove that you have the background to do well in a specific project.
– Ask any specific questions you may have about the professor’s work, based on what you’ve read in one of their papers or on their website. Show that you are curious about the subject you are proposing to work on for the next few years.

Next Steps: Sync an Email Add-On

To get the most out of your form, we suggest that you sync this form with an email add-on. To learn more about your email add-on options, visit the following page ( Important: Delete this tip before you publish the form.
Immigration Status*
Which Disciplines Are You Interested In?*
Have You Already Submitted An Application To The School of Graduate Studies at McMaster University?*
Current or Highest Degree Obtained*

Completed Activities:
Tell this faculty member why you are interested. Keep it short. What you are interested in pursuing graduate studies? What are your career goals? Highlight your previous research experience or related activities.
Tell this faculty member why you are interested in working with them specifically. Provide 3 to 5 sentences to explain.
List other notable information that was not previously stated, this could include items such as: publications, related courses, competitions, conference presentations, awards, if you have applied for (or plan to apply for) any major scholarships, etc.
Drop files here or
Accepted file types: doc, docx, pdf, Max. file size: 5 MB.
    We strongly encourage you to provide us with your CV and unofficial transcripts to provide faculty members with a better understanding of your skillsets. PDF files are preferred.

    Thank you for considering the Department of Engineering Physics at McMaster University!

    Please be patient and give the faculty member a minimum of two weeks to respond to your form submission.