Safety training
Please complete the training required for these two areas.
Some laboratories have equipment which can be dangerous if not used properly.
The ECE Lab Safety quiz must be taken every term by all users of ECE Labs (undergraduate students and TAs). The Safet Quiz shold be part of the course shell on Avenue.
Undergrads: Equipment-specific safety and operational instructions will take place during your first lab utilizing that equipment. If you have any questions regarding safe use of a specific piece of equipment, please ask your TA before you even turn it on.
Required reading about general lab safety and emergency information
Lab Safety Manual for Computer Labs
Lab Safety Manual for Electronics Labs
Lab Safety Manual for Electromechanical Labs (Power Electronics, Machines, Drives and Control courses)
Students wishing to construct circuits by soldering must follow the following procedure (please note that soldering is only permitted in the IEEE Student Branch room ITB-141).
1) View the soldering training video and successfully complete the online quiz.
2) Go to the IEEE Student Branch in ITB-141 for practical soldering & hot air reflow training and test.
3) Obtain an ECE Soldering Certification card (to be renewed annually).
After these steps, students can solder their circuits in the IEEE Student branch by presenting their McMaster Student Card along with the ECE Soldering Certification card.
Soldering certification must be renewed each academic year.

Please read through the applicable information on access and use of ECE labs.
Information about gaining access to the course lab will be provided by the instructor or on the course outline. ECE labs are not open for any student to use – some labs will be open during set times, whereas some labs may require you to have an access card for entry.
You can get an access card by bringing your student card (for identification) to The Hub (JHE 216A). Their office hours for access card pickup can be found on their website.
You will pay a deposit of $10, which will be refunded to you when you return the card. Keep this card until you leave the ECE Department. Please note that cash is no longer accepted in The Hub and your deposit will be charged (and refunded upon its return) to your Student Account.
Your authorized access will be automatically uploaded each term, once enrollment is finalized. Card access is not issued for every lab. Some labs are set up to be used only during your regularly scheduled lab time slots. Your instructor will inform you if your lab has after-hours access via an access card.
Do not share your card with anyone, or let anyone in – the system tracks who has entered the room, at what time, so we know who to contact if any damage or theft occurs.
If you lose your card, immediately report it as lost to either The Hub or to Steve Spencer (ITB 147, spencers@mcmaster.ca).
If an access card is needed to access a particular lab room, then all users must obtain their own access card. Access cards are for the specific use of that one student only. No student should let another student in. Do not lend your access card to anyone (the card system monitors the room users, so if there is any damage or theft, we can tell who was in the room – i.e. who may be responsible).
Food and beverages are not permitted in the instructional laboratories.
Be aware of the location and correct use of all available safety equipment. Read the Laboratory Information Sheet on each lab door to know the potential hazards and emergency contact information.
Laboratory equipment should only be used for its designed purpose. Learn the proper and safe use of lab equipment.
Dispose of your garbage appropriately. Leave the lab in good condition for the next users.
Health & safety training for graduate students
Mandatory training for students in graduate programs.
The following are located in your Mosaic Student Centre. The only form that needs to be submitted to Cheryl (ITB-A112) is the Job Hazard Analysis form.
The deadline for completion of this required training is the end of September.
- Office WHMIS
- Fire Safety
- Asbestos Awareness
- Slips, Trips, and Falls
- Ergonomics
- Job Hazard Analysis Summary – not task specific