Dr. Hubert deBruin – Faculty of Engineering
Hubert deBruin

Dr. Hubert deBruin


Development of new computer-based systems and techniques for recording and analysing physiological signals in the basic research and clinical medical laboratories, theoretical and in-vivo experimental response of motor neurons to different modes of stimulation of human compound nerves

Areas of Specialization

Research Clusters

  • Professor Emeritus

    Electrical & Computer Engineering

  • Professor Emeritus

    McMaster School of Biomedical Engineering


Research interests: The development of new computer-based systems and techniques for recording and analyzing physiological signals in the basic research and clinical medical laboratories. Basic and clinical studies of nerve and muscle stimulation and recording in animals and humans. Basic and clinical studies in trans-cranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) in humans. EEG signal processing and machine learning in neuropsychiatry.

Did you know?

When Dr. deBruin’s not at work, he can be found sailing, singing in his church choir, reading and spending time with family.

Block Heading

B.Eng., M.Eng., Ph.D. (McMaster, Canada)

P.Eng. ; Served McMaster for 40+ years ; Developed McMaster’s original Electrical and Biomedical Engineering program ; One of the developers of the Integrated Biomedical Engineering and Health Sciences program (IBEHS) at McMaster