The usual approach to spin dynamics / relaxation, for example in NMR, is through the density matrix, which describes the ensemble average behaviour of a quantum system. For the real time signal behaviour, on the other hand, a different approach is necessary, formulated here in terms of a more general quantity, the modified spin density. This leads to the instantaneous dynamics expressed in terms of stochastic differential equations, from which all other statistical properties can be derived, such as the standard spin relaxation timescale parameters. The analysis extends to entangled spins, making it possible to derive the corresponding relaxation / disentanglement timescales. For a random field with finite autocorrelation time, we develop an approach, which yields an exact form of the spectrum that extends beyond the Lorentzian. In the current era of burgeoning quantum technologies, these foundational results are important in a variety of applications relying on real time properties.

Dr. Timothy R. Field
Timothy Field studied undergraduate mathematics at King’s College, Cambridge University, and holds a doctorate from New College and the Mathematical Institute, Oxford University, where he studied mathematical physics under the supervision of Sir Roger Penrose. He formerly held a UK government sponsored research fellowship for research into stochastic techniques in electromagnetic scattering problems and is currently a professor at McMaster University in ECE / Mathematics and faculty member in the School of Computational Science and Engineering. His current research focus is on spin dynamics in random fields, with emphasis on stochastic geometrical techniques to analyze their real time behaviour. He was elected a Fellow of the UK Institute of Physics and Institute of Mathematics and its Applications in 2012.
Event details
Speaker: Dr. Timothy R. Field
Topic: Spin Dynamics, Entanglement and Spectra
Date: Monday, June 3, 2024
Time: 3:30 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Location: ITB A113A/B