Perceptually Inspired Multimedia Quality-of-Experience Assessment and Processing: Literature, Puzzles and the Future  – Faculty of Engineering
Abstract visuals of multimedia elements

Perceptually Inspired Multimedia Quality-of-Experience Assessment and Processing: Literature, Puzzles and the Future

Dr. Zhou Wang will take you through the advancements in multimedia Quality-of-Experience (QoE) assessment and processing over the last two decades. As we enter the era of the “metaverse” and large generative AI models, he will explore current puzzles in the field, discuss opportunities for innovation, and argue the need for a revolution in multimedia QoE research to tackle these challenges and fuel future developments.

Abstract visuals of multimedia elements.

2nd lecture of the ECE Distinguished Research Lecture Series (2024-2025) titled

Perceptually Inspired Multimedia Quality-of-Experience Assessment and Processing: Literature, Puzzles and the Future by Dr. Zhou Wang, Professor, University of Waterloo, Ontario Canada

The lecture is scheduled for

NOVEMBER 4, 2024 (MONDAY), FROM 3:30 PM TO 5:00 PM, IN PERSON (ITB A113a/b)


Perceptually motivated multimedia quality-of-experience (QoE) assessment and processing have drawn great attention and enjoyed remarkable development in the past two decades. In this talk, we first give a brief introduction of the field and summarize what has been achieved, in terms of both fundamental theories and methodologies and successful engineering practices that have been impacting the daily visual experiences of hundreds of millions of people. While notable success has been achieved, puzzles and confusions on the future directions of the field have also been growing, especially with the thriving interest in the “metaverse” virtual realm and the fast-evolving large generative AI models. We will discuss the great opportunities and challenges, and argue that to meet the challenges, multimedia QoE research desires a revolution and, if successful, will play an essential enabling role in these new endeavors. We hope this talk invite some insightful discussions.


Zhou Wang is a Canada Research Chair and Professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Waterloo. His research interests include image/video/multimedia processing, coding, communication, computational vision, and machine learning, with focuses on perceptual quality assessment and perceptually motivated processing, for which he has been one of the most cited authors in the field. Dr. Wang is a Fellow of IEEE, a Fellow of Royal Society of Canada – Academy of Science, and a Fellow of Canadian Academy of Engineering. He was a recipient of Steacie Memorial Fellowship, and IEEE Signal Processing Society Best Paper Award, Best Magazine Paper Award, and Sustained Impact Paper Award. He is also a two-time recipient of Engineering Emmy Awards – the most prestigious technology honor of the TV industry – one in 2015 as an individual, and the other in 2021 by SSIMWAVE Inc. of which he was a co-founder and the Chief Scientist.
