Students working with a tracing robot on a table

Virtual workshops

We are thrilled to introduce brand new STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Math) workshops delivered free to schools to enhance learning opportunities in the classroom.

Teacher registration required

Workshops for elementary classes

Explore the workshops for grade K–8.

  • Grade K: A Day at the Zoo!

    Students will group animals based on different characteristics (fur, stripes etc) and match animals to a biome (dessert, marine, forest, grassland).

  • Grade 1: Slime Science

    Students will learn about the different states of matter and how we can use simple household materials to manipulate the states! Students will make their own slime and oobleck to further explore the states of matter!

  • Grade 2: To Float or Not to Float

    In the experiment, students will test the loading capacity of boats made from different materials, with an emphasis on having the same size and shape for a fair test. They will construct their model boats and test them in a water tub.

  • Grade 3: Tupiq: Design your Own Tent

    The hands-on activity section will involve building a Tupiq with a paper straw, clay, and paper. It is hoped that students could develop skills in designing and building a strong and stable structure that serves a purpose, using creativity and imagination to design and decorate the Tupiq.

  • Grade 4: Sounds Like a Drum

    During the activity, students will create their own drum set using cups, balloons, and drumsticks. They will experiment with different materials, sizes, and shapes to investigate how different variables affect the pitch and loudness of the drums. Students can decorate their drum sets with reference to Indigenous art.

  • Grade 5: Mystic Mirror Mosaics

    In this project, students explore the world of optics and light by building their own kaleidoscopes with household materials. The project also incorporates the Indigenous Ways of Knowing, aiming to teach students about the role of line and rotational symmetry in Indigenous art and innovative Indigenous tools that apply concepts in optics, such as the Inuit snow goggles.

  • Grade 6: Superb Seismographs

    Students will get the chance to create their own seismograph and can test them by detecting earthquakes by shaking the surface that their seismograph is sitting on!

  • Grade 7: Glorious Grabbers

    In this engaging project, Grade 7 students will delve into the world of mechanical engineering by designing and crafting their very own mechanical grabbers.

  • Grade 8: ElectroSlueth: Unveiling the Invisible Charge

    In this activity, students will be introduced to the concepts of static electricity and current electricty. They will also be introduced to the 3 ways of charging an object, electroscopes, and how to build their very own electroscope.

Workshops for high-school classes

Explore the workshops for Grades 9-12

  • Grade 9: Rock, Paper, Scissors, Python!

    In this activity, students will learn about the coding language Python. They will learn about variables, while loops, and if-else statements to create a program that will allow them to play rock, paper, scissors against the computer!

  • Grade 10: Software Snake Eyes

    In this activity, students will learn about the coding language Python. They will get to learn about functions, while statements, if-else statements and more to create a program that will allow them to roll 1 or 2 dice.

  • Grade 11: Digit Decoder

    In this activity students will learn about the coding language Python. Students will learn about lists, functions, if-else statements, try-except statements and more to create a game where they will get to guess a randomly generated number selected by the computer.

    Register (update link)
  • Grade 12: Python Punnet Square

    In this activity students will learn about the coding language Python. Students will learn about functions, lists, for loops, if-elif-else statements, the getpass library, and more to create their own password generator. They will then be able to use their code to test and receive feedback on the strength of their passwords!

    Register (update link)