Student working on machine in Learning Factory. Hands-on experience.

Co-op for undergraduate students

The Faculty of Engineering offers an optional co-op program for Bachelor of Engineering, Integrated Biomedical Engineering & Health Sciences, and Computer Science Students. Co-op is a mandatory component of all Bachelor of Technology programs, including the BTech Degree Completion Program.

Student looking up from laptop in EMBER Mock Lab

Co-op preparation course

All co-op students are required to complete a co-op preparation course before they can have access to co-op job boards or be approved for a co-op job.

This course explains the co-op process and expectations, and helps you succeed in your co-op job search and on the job.

If you are a first-year student who applied and was admitted to a BEng or IBEHS co-op program or a BTech (4.5-year) program through OUAC, you will automatically be enrolled in ENGINEER 1EE0 in the fall term of your first year.

BEng, IBEHS, CompSci AND BTech students are required to complete ENGINEER 1EE0.

This course is offered every year in the fall and winter terms. Once completed, you are eligible to search for and accept jobs during the co-op terms in your academic program plan. The course is offered online on Avenue to Learn. 

If you opt-in to the co-op program after being admitted to a general engineering degree program, you should plan to take 1EE0 as soon as possible so that you are eligible to search for and accept co-op jobs. You will enrol yourself in this course on Mosaic and by the drop/add date for the term in which you plan to take the course. 

BTech DCP students: please refer to the DCP section for more information.

BTech DCP students are required to complete ENGTECH 1ET0.

1ET0 is offered twice per term as a single-session workshop.

Students must register for the workshop in the Career & Employer Events section of OSCARplus.

You may enroll yourself in this course on Mosaic by the drop/add date for the term. Students enrolled in the course on Mosaic will receive an email with dates and registration instructions.

Note: Enrolling in 1ET0 does not automatically register you for the workshop, nor will anyone contact you about this — it is your responsibility to register for the workshop yourself. 

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