Student and Cheryl examining bone structure in lab

Co-op for graduate students

Gain engineering work experience

Master’s and PhD students may complete 4 to 12 months of co-op experience in various types of organizations, including corporations, non-profit organizations, government agencies, startups and research institutions.


  • 532 (4-month) work-terms  

    completed by grad students in 2023/2024

  • 133 unique companies

    hired our grad students

  • 44.5% growth

    in graduate co-op work terms over the previous year

Enrol in the co-op program

At the beginning of the fall or winter academic terms, make it a priority to attend one of the interactive Graduate Co-op Information Sessions.

These are scheduled on the OSCARplus event calendar or in select cases, during your department orientation session.

These sessions are designed to provide you with a comprehensive understanding of the graduate co-op option.

Once you’ve gained this insight, follow these steps to enrol in ENGINEER 701:

  • Students registered in the SEPT (W Booth) graduate master’s programs in Manufacturing, Systems and Technology or Engineering Design are eligible for co-op.
  • It is advised that SEPT students register for ENGINEER 701 in your first academic term at McMaster, setting a strong foundation for your co-op journey.
  • Step 1: Enrol directly in Mosaic for the ENGINEER 701 – C01 Work Term Preparation (Lecture) course.
  • Step 2: Complete the ENG 701 Registration process
  • All students in these programs must complete the Graduate Supervisor Permission form and speak to your academic supervisor or department administrator before enrolling in the ENGINEER 701 – C01 Work Term Preparation (Lecture) course. Only students who submit a completed Graduate Supervisor Permission Form prior to the final date to add courses will be eligible to participate.
  • Step 1: Enrol directly in Mosaic for the ENGINEER 701 – C01 Work Term Preparation (Lecture) course.
  • Step 2: Complete the ENGINEER 701 Registration process
  • Step 3: Submit your signed permission form to (please include your student number in the body of your email).
  • Note: It is recommended that students enrolled in MEng degrees complete ENGINEER 701 within the first 1-2 terms of study.
  • Note: It is recommended that PhD students enrol for ENGINEER 701 after 2 years of study.

What students are saying

  • “The services offered by McMaster’s Engineering Co-op & Career Services team have exceeded my expectations. Their proactive approach, tailored guidance, and extensive network have been instrumental in connecting me with valuable co-op opportunities and ensuring a seamless transition from academia to the professional world. I am immensely grateful for their exceptional services and unwavering commitment to student success.”

    Garima Mehta, MEng Systems and Technology, Siemens Ltd.
  • “Engaging in the co-op program and collaborating with industry professionals has led to substantial personal growth, shaping me into a more refined student and a better human as I reflect on my experiences, achievements, challenges, and setbacks.”

    Devam Trivedi, MEng Electrical and Computer, Bruce Power
  • “My co-op experience was a transformative journey, allowing me to build connections and delve into a field that aligned perfectly with my interests. As an international student, it provided me with invaluable exposure to the Canadian work culture, surpassing all my expectations.”

    Akshay Kumar Arumugasamy, MSc Computer Science, General Motors