Dr. Matthew Giamou – Faculty of Engineering
Matthew Giamou

Dr. Matthew Giamou


Mobile robotics, convex optimization, computer vision, machine learning

Current status

  • Accepting graduate students

  • Assistant Professor

    Computing and Software


Dr. Matthew Giamou is the director of the Autonomous Robotics and Convex Optimization Laboratory (ARCO Lab). His core theoretical research interest is global optimization, but applications of his work span sensor calibration, SLAM, motion planning, multi-robot communication, and machine learning. ARCO Lab is presently focused on designing efficient algorithms for working with a variety of spatiotemporal data at scale. These methods enable robust perception and planning with formal safety guarantees, providing a complementary approach to the widespread use of black-box deep learning-based models. ARCO Lab’s vision for deploying safe and interpretable autonomy is to develop tools for non-roboticist end-users working in space exploration, manufacturing, medical robotics, and the geosciences.

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Dr. Giamou joined McMaster’s Department of Computing and Software as an Assistant Professor in July of 2023. Prior to joining McMaster, he was a postdoctoral researcher at the Institute for Experiential Robotics at Northeastern University. He received a B.A.Sc. in Engineering Science from the University of Toronto in 2015, an M.Sc. in Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 2017, and a Ph.D. from the University of Toronto’s Institute for Aerospace Studies in 2022.

B.A.Sc., University of Toronto, 2015; M.Sc., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2017; Ph.D., University of Toronto, 2022

2020 Best Workshop Paper Award at the IEEE IROS Workshop on Bringing Geometric Methods to Robot Learning, Optimization and Control; 2020 Best Student Paper Award at Robotics: Science and Systems; 2019 Royal Bank of Canada Graduate Fellow for AI Research; 2018 Runner-Up for Best Paper Award on Multi-Robot Systems at IEEE ICRA (Brisbane, Australia); 2016 Best Student Paper Award at IEEE International Conference on Multisensor Fusion and Integration (Baden-Baden, Germany)

Please see Dr. Giamou’s Google Scholar Profile for the full list of publications