Civil Engineering ’89
Chief Executive Officer, Westhill Innovation Inc.

Bachelor of Technoloy ’03
Co-Chief Executive Officer, Adi Development Group

Mechanical Engineering ’88
Vice-President Manufacturing, ArcelorMittal Dofasco

President and Owner, Booth Advisory Inc.

Chairman – Africa, Europe and Middle East , Hatch Goba

Global Director, Electrified Powertrain Propulsion Systems Chrysler Group LLC
BEng Mechanical ’83
Director General, CANMET Materials Technology Laboratory

Manager and Staff Technical Specialists, Powertrain Engineering Research & Development Centre, Ford Essex Engine Plant, Ford Motor Company of Canada Ltd.

Director of Government Relations, Ford Motor Company of Canada Ltd.

President and CEO, ArcelorMittal Dofasco

Vice President, Science and Technology Development Ontario Power Generation
Vladimir – B.Eng. Civil ’80) and (Chedo – B.Eng. Civil & Mgmt. ’85)
Co-Owners, Sobotec Ltd.
Ph.D. Mechanical Eng. ’73
President and CEO, Hatch
B.Eng. Electrical & Mgmt. ’86
President, Microsoft Business Division
B.Eng. Electrical & Mgmt. ’83
President, COM DEV