Ruben Juanes, Kimberly-Clark Distinguished Lecturer of 2024, presents on earthquakes and energy transition at McMaster  – Faculty of Engineering

Ruben Juanes, Kimberly-Clark Distinguished Lecturer of 2024, presents on earthquakes and energy transition at McMaster 

Professor Ruben Juanes delivering his lecture

A world-renowned expert in fluid flow through porous media and geomechanics, Ruben Juanes, visited McMaster University’s campus on September 26 to deliver the 2024 Kimberly-Clark Distinguished Lecture – an initiative of the InterPore Foundation. 

Juanes, who holds professorships in Civil and Environmental Engineering, and Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences at MIT, delivered a lecture title “Man-made Earthquakes and the Energy Transition.” 

His presentation spotlighted the critical factors that contribute to earthquake occurrences and proposed strategies to mitigate seismic hazards. His research aims to establish fundamental understanding and predictive capabilities of the simultaneous flow of two or more fluids through rocks, soils, and other porous materials. 

Ruben Juanes delivering his lecture

At the Val d’Agri oil field in Italy, where one of the country’s most devastating earthquakes occurred, Juanes’ team developed a 3D-coupled flow geomechanics model to simulate stress driven by reservoir operations.  

These observations, Juanes says, suggest that by understanding and controlling injection rates – or the rate at which a fluid flows through a porous material – it is possible to develop operational strategies that lower seismic hazards. 

“We were delighted to bring Ruben Juanes to speak amongst our engineering community at McMaster,” says Benzhong (Robin) Zhao, Associate Chair of Graduate Studies in McMaster’s Department of Civil Engineering. “Connecting with experts across the globe to help advance our understanding through regional case studies is significant in our research community.”  

“Juanes’ visit to McMaster underscores the importance of interdisciplinary collaboration and the global exchange of knowledge in addressing complex environmental challenges”

Lydell Wiebe – Acting Chair and Professor in the Department of Civil Engineering at McMaster

“His work not only advances scientific understanding but also provides actionable insights for managing and mitigating the risks associated with induced seismicity.” 

As the 2024 Kimberly-Clark Distinguished Lecture, Juanes will take his presentation to international venues, including an upcoming lecture in Spain.