Dr. Roberta Bondar will speak at a free public event hosted by McMaster University’s W Booth School of Engineering Practice and Technology. All are welcome to attend this event featuring the first Canadian woman in space.
She will draw on a varied and distinguished career as an astronaut, physician, photographer, and author to share powerful insights on how to see, experience and understand things in completely new ways.
Dr. Bondar’s presentation is titled “Perspective Shift: Moving Beyond the Familiar to Reach for the Extraordinary.” She will integrate her perspective from space with her Earth explorations through still and video imagery to help others embrace the unknown. Her message is suited to a general audience keen to discover fresh ways of viewing our world at a time of great uncertainty.
The talk will take place on June 1, 2022, 10-11 am in the auditorium at the L.R. Wilson Hall Liberal Arts Building on the McMaster campus in Hamilton. Includes a post-event reception. Seating is limited and registration is required. Register here for FREE tickets.
Should COVID protocols prevent an in-person event, those with tickets will be sent a link to join an exclusive virtual talk.
Dr. Bondar’s visit to McMaster University coincides with a year-long celebration of the 30th anniversary of her eight-day mission on board the NASA Space Shuttle Discovery. A graduate of McMaster University (Doctor of Medicine degree, 1977), Dr. Bondar is Canada’s first female astronaut and the first neurologist in space.
Following her 1992 shuttle mission, Dr. Bondar spent ten years leading a NASA research team studying the effects of space travel on the human body. More recently, she formed a charitable foundation devoted to connecting people to the natural world and promoting conservation.
Dr. Bondar applies her talents as a nature photographer to combine arts and science, and build a culture of curiosity, creativity, and critical thinking about the natural environment.
The awe-inspiring experience of orbiting our planet sparked Dr. Bondar’s love of photography and ongoing work to help people appreciate “the whole of the environment, the whole of the human race.”
Dr. Bondar’s talk is presented in partnership with McMaster University’s Faculty of Engineering and the Office of the VP Research. Additional funding support provided by Woodbridge Foam Corporation.
Dr. Gail Krantzberg, Professor, W Booth School of Engineering Practice and Technology