McMaster Engineering clubs and teams funding request form – Faculty of Engineering

McMaster Engineering clubs & teams funding request form

Applications for the 2023-2024 academic year are closed. Please check back in the fall for 2024-2025 requests.

How many members does your team have and what is the breakdown of members by program/Faculty (approximate)? Describe the diversity of your team structure. (Please think broadly in the definition of diversity. Things to outline include percentage of male/female/nonbinary, year level, program specifics, domestic and international etc.)
Please provide a brief overview of your club/team activities and how it benefits it members and the student body overall (Details should include contributions to the student experience, members professional development, collaborative activities with other clubs etc)
Please describe how the activity you are requesting funds for aligns with the strategic priorities of the Faculty of Engineering (see
What are the major achievements for your club/team from the past year? (Details can include member count increase, focus on diversity, placement in competitions, past events etc)
Use this space to tell us what you need and why.
Include all funding received and expected from external organizations as well as from the Faculty e.g ECCS, MES, Faculty/department for the academic year.
Accepted file types: jpg, peg, png, pdf, doc, docx, ppt, pptx, mov, mp3, Max. file size: 2 MB.