A.B. Kayyali – BTech (Power & Energy) – Faculty of Engineering

A.B. Kayyali – BTech (Power & Energy)

Three things I loved about the program

W Booth School of Engineering Practice and Technology

What 3 year College Program did you complete prior to coming to McMaster?

Electrical Engineering Technology (Power & Controls)  at College of the North Atlantic 

What was your BTech DCP Stream at McMaster?

Power & Energy Engineering Technolog

What is your current Job Title and Employer?

Electrical Engineer at Toromont Cat Power Systems. I design and commission standby power systems and control systems powered by diesel and natural gas generators.

Why did you choose the BTech Degree Completion Program? 

The ability to do the program on a part-time basis in parallel to my day job made this program a great fit for me! 

What opportunities has your BTech degree helped you to pursue?

I am currently pursuing my P.Eng. 

Where has your career taken you and how has your BTech education played a part?

BTech helped me to focus my specialization in power systems design

What was your favourite part of the program? 

Three things I loved about the program: 

  1. Instructors come with real-world, practical industry experience
  2. Small-size classes allowing attention to every student
  3. Part-time program allowing for career and academic advancement together