Courses – Faculty of Engineering
A person looks into a microscope in the Engineering Physics optics lab.

Courses in Engineering Physics

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    • Instructor
      Dr. Qiyin Fang
    • Instructor
      Dr. Qiyin Fang
  • 3 unit(s)
    Qiyin Fang, Michael S. Patterson, Joseph E. Hayward, and Thomas Farrell
    Prerequisite(s): BIOMED 6I03 / Introduction to Biophotonics

    To provide an in-depth understanding of the physics behind a selected number of biophotonics applications in life sciences (e.g. fluorescence lifetime imaging, high content screening, etc.) and clinical applications (diffuse optical tomography, time-resolved fluorescence spectroscopy, optical coherent tomography, photoacoustic microscopy, etc.) as well as key tools used these research areas including ImageJ, image processing, and pattern recognition and classification.

    Cross-listed: BIOMED 707/ENG PHYS 709

    • Instructor
      Dr. Qiyin Fang
  • 3 unit(s) An introduction to the theory, physics and operating principles of Scanning electron microscopy (SEM), Focused Ion Beam (FIB) microscopy and attendant diffraction and spectroscopy techniques. The course will have laboratory component allowing students to students to establish core competence in hands-on use of these microscopes.

    Cross-listed: MATLS 724 / ENG PHYS 724 / CHEM ENG 724 / MECH ENG 726

    TERM 1

    • Instructor
      Dr. Nabil Bassim
  • 3 unit(s) Antirequisite(s): Permission of the instructor required. Introduction to transmission electron microscopy: electron sources, optics, TEM, Scanning-TEM, electron-solid interactions, diffraction, imaging, and spectroscopy. Course will include a practical component with demonstration labs.

  • Sessional Instructor
    • Instructor
      Dr. Matthew Minnick
    • Instructor
      Dr. Michael Welland
    • Instructor
      Dr. Jonathan Bradley
    • Instructor
      Dr. Dave Novog
    • Instructor
      Dr. Matthew Minnick
    • Instructor
      Dr. Rafael Kleiman
  • Sessional Instructor
    Mini Thomas
  • Sessional Instructor
    Mini Thomas
  • Please click “Outline” for Technical Elective Information. Contact the department if anything is unclear.

    • Instructor
      Dr. Markus Piro
    • Instructor
      Dr. Chang-qing Xu
  • Sessional Instructor
    Dr. Zobia Jawed
  • Sessional Instructor
    Dr. Zobia Jawed
    • Instructor
      Dr. Ray LaPierre
    • Instructor
      Dr. Michael Welland
  • Sessional Instructor
    • Instructor
      Dr. Jonathan Bradley
    • Instructor
      Dr. Gitanjali Kolhatkar
    • Instructor
      Dr. Ryan Lewis
  • Sessional Instructor
    Liam Flannigan
    • Instructor
      Dr. Adriaan Buijs
    • Instructor
      Dr. Adrian Kitai
    • Instructor
      Dr. Niko Hildebrandt
    • Instructor
      Dr. Niko Hildebrandt
    • Instructor
      Dr. Adriaan Buijs
    • Instructor
      Dr. Adriaan Buijs
    • Instructor
      Dr. Adrian Kitai
    • Instructor
      Dr. Adrian Kitai
  • Sessional Instructor
    Dr. Nik Popov
  • Sessional Instructor
    Dr. Nik Popov
  • Sessional Instructor
    Dr. Benjamin Rouben
    • Instructor
      Dr. Adriaan Buijs
    • Instructor
      Dr. Adriaan Buijs
    • Instructor
      Dr. Ryan Lewis
    • Instructor
      Dr. Ryan Lewis
    • Instructor
      Dr. Ray LaPierre
    • Instructor
      Dr. Ray LaPierre
    • Instructor
      Dr. Chang-qing Xu
    • Instructor
      Dr. Gitanjali Kolhatkar
  • Each student is required to prepare/present a formal seminar, based upon extensive research work and literature surveys, in areas related to their current research. A pass/fail grade will be assessed based on overall performance in the course.

    • Instructor
      Dr. Gitanjali Kolhatkar
  • Introduces scientific and engineering aspects of nuclear fuel cycle and radioactive waste management applied to nuclear reactors and the fuel cycle. Includes radiochemistry, separation processes in reprocessing, and waste treatment processes. Addresses management of radioactive wastes, including waste forms, classification, fundamental principles, governing equations for radionuclide transport in the environment, and performance assessment of geological waste disposal systems.

    • Instructor
      Dr. Shinya Nagasaki
  • The course covers two-fluid phase modeling of thermal-hydraulic phenomena in the reactor heat transport system including modeling and simulation of postulated accidents, simulation methodology and tools, and development and qualification of selected thermal-hydraulics computer codes, including two-fluid modeling, nodalization schemes and numerical methods, computer code development, CATHENA computer code theory and numerical algorithm. This is a simulation-based course; it includes CATHENA training. Assignments include analytical problems, CATHENA code simulation and analysis, and preparing a CATHENA model and report.

    Sessional Instructor
  • An examination of the theory of operation, manufacture, and application of semiconductor diode lasers. Emphasis will be on InGaAsP diode lasers and the application of these devices in optical communication systems.

    Sessional Instructor
    Dr. Jean-Pierre Landesman
  • Thin film growth and deposition including thermal evaporation, e-beam evaporation, sputtering, chemical vapour deposition and molecular beam epitaxy; thermodynamics and kinetics of film growth.

    • Instructor
      Dr. Ryan Lewis
  • The student is required to spend four months carrying out an approved project under the supervision of a member of the faculty of Engineering Physics. Assessment of the project is performed by the faculty member after preparation of a written report by the student. The student must attain a grade of B. The project requires full-time attention and as such the student is not expected to take any other courses during the project. It is expected that the project will take place during the summer term. This course is available only to students in the M.Eng. degree program in the department of Engineering Physics.

    Sessional Instructor
  • Prerequisite(s): Enrollment in graduate program in Engineering Physics
    This course provides a fundamental in-depth knowledge of the theory of operation, modeling, parameter extraction, scaling issues, and higher order effects of active and passive semiconductor devices that are used in mainstream semiconductor technology. There will be a comprehensive review of the latest models for the devices that are valid out to very high frequencies and the use of physical device modeling/CAD tools. A review of the latest device technologies will be presented. The course will be a prerequisite to the other applied courses in microelectronics.
    Cross-listed: ENG PHYS 740 / ECE 740

    • Instructor
      Dr. Yaser Haddara
  • Introduction, Micorfabrication and micromachining. Surface and bulk micromachining, nonconventional machining. Microfluidics, Microchannels, Microsvalves, Micromixers, Micropumps, Droplet actuation, Integrated Systems.

    Antirequisite(s): Introduction, Microfabrication and micromachining, Surface and bulk micromachining, non-conventional machining, Microfluidics, Microchannels, Microvalves, Micromixers, Micropumps, Droplet actuation, Integrated Systems.

    Cross-listed: MECHENG 752 / BIOMED 752 / ENGPHYS 752

    TERM 2

    • Instructor
      Dr. P. Ravi Selvaganapathy
    • Instructor
      Dr. Peter Mascher
  • This is a course on in-core fuel management in nuclear reactors. It covers all aspects of the use of nuclear fuel in CANDU reactors, with comparison to fuel management in Light-Water Reactors. A major objective of the course is to allow students to carry out various types of fullcore calculations in realistic CANDU-reactor models.

    Sessional Instructor
    Dr. Benjamin Rouben
  • More info:

  • Current developments and specialized aspects of engineering physics. This course may be taken for repetitive credit.

    Sessional Instructor
  • This course introduces group III-V semiconductor materials, heterostructures and devices including HBTs, HEMTs, laser diodes, photodiodes, and multi-junction solar cells.

    • Instructor
      Dr. Ray LaPierre
  • Antirequisite(s): This course provides an opportunity to experience the decontamination in the residential area which was contaminated by the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant accident. A visit to other nuclear energy industry sites in Japan will give students a chance to consider the responsibility of engineers and scientists in the nuclear field

    • Instructor
      Dr. Shinya Nagasaki
  • An introductory course on nanoelectronics, quantum transport and mesoscopic physics including diffusive and ballistic transport in the classical and quantum regimes, quantum Hall effect, Coulomb blockade, quantum structures, superconductors, topological insulators, and quantum computing.

    • Instructor
      Dr. Ray LaPierre
  • Reactor kinetics: point kinetics model; modal model for space-time kinetics; reactivity feedback mechanisms; reactor transfer functions; the in hour equation; reactor stability; Xenon stability; bulk and spatial power control; load following; control systems for CANDU and LWR reactors.

  • Degraded fuel heat transfer; fuel failure mechanisms; fission product release and transport from nuclear fuel; leak-before-break and piping fracture mechanics; pipe ruptures; challenges to containment system integrity; severe accident progression and mitigation; off-site release of fission products; applications to CANDU and LWR reactors.

    • Instructor
      Dr. John Luxat
  • Safety design and analysis of nuclear reactors based on deterministic and probabilistic assessments. Topics include: concepts of risk; probability tools and techniques; safety criteria; design basis accidents; risk assessment; safety analysis; safety system design; and general policy and principles.

    Sessional Instructor
  • Advanced topics of current interest in the area of fission and fusion nuclear reactor primary heat transport system, system safety and the transitional operations.

    • Instructor
      Dr. Dave Novog
  • This course covers the fundamentals of nuclear reactor heat transport system design for key reactor types, with emphasis on the CANDU and Light Water Reactor (PWR and BWR) designs. Theoretical topics and their application include reactor thermodynamics, single-phase and two-phase flow, heat and mass transfer, critical heat, flux, pressure drop prediction, flow stability, design of reactor core, reactor vessel, steam generators and primary heat transport pumps. The course also covers experimental techniques, facilities and results. Course assignments are analytical problems related to these topics.

    Sessional Instructor
  • An introduction to optical gain media, spectroscopy of light-emitting materials, laser cavities, and steady-state theories of optical amplifiers and lasers. Applications of amplifiers and lasers in fiber-optic systems and photonic integrated circuits are covered.

    • Instructor
      Dr. Jonathan Bradley
  • Optoelectronic devices and the physics that governs their operation: the electro-optic, acousto-optic, and photo-elastic effects; optics in semiconductors: free carrier effects, heterojunctions, quantum wells, electro-absorption; guided wave optics; optical modulators; photonic switching and optical interconnects; Fourier optics.

    • Instructor
      Dr. Andy Knights
  • This course is to provide an in-depth understanding of the physics behind nuclear reactors and the techniques to analyse the neutronic behaviour of a reactor. The emphasis will be on CANDU reactors.

    • Instructor
      Dr. Adriaan Buijs
  • Characterization techniques of organic and inorganic thin films, including x-ray and electron diffraction, electron microscopy, chemical analysis, ion beam analysis, and optical and electrical characterization methods.

    Cross-listed: ENGPHYS 730 / MECHENG 730

    TERM 2

  • This course gives an introduction to the basic principles of nonlinear optics, which is useful in understanding the nonlinear optical effects involved in many modern photonic components and devices. It mainly includes a project and an oral examination.

    • Instructor
      Dr. Chang-qing Xu
  • Advanced Photovoltaics provides students with a comprehensive overview of the fundamental processes relevant to photovoltaic operation. Specific devices are studied by both numerical simulation and analytic calculation. A connection is made between the material parameters necessary for simulating a device and their independent measurement by a range of characterization techniques. Silicon, III-V, II-VI, organic and nano-based approaches to PV device design are all explored. Students are also introduced to the challenges of integrating different approaches into a solar based electrical generation system.

  • This course covers power reactor fuel design, performance, and safety aspects, and complements existing courses on reactor core design, thermohydraulics and reactor safety design. It includes fissile and fertile fuels; burn-up effects; fuel production (as well as uranium enrichment and reprocessing of spent fuel); quality assurance and CANDU fuel technical specifications; thermal conductivity; fuel chemistry; fuel restructuring and grain growth; fission product behaviour; fuel defect detection and location; fuel performance in operation; and fuel / fuel channel behaviour in design basis and severe accidents.

    Sessional Instructor
    • Instructor
      Dr. Harold Haugen