Celebrating Water Research at McMaster Water Week: Nov. 20-23, 2018 – Faculty of Engineering

Celebrating Water Research at McMaster Water Week: Nov. 20-23, 2018

Students will present their research on a range of topics including water policy, climate change, sustainability, chemical engineering, environmental contaminants, biology, and more.

Water Research posters at MUSC

This year’s Water Week highlights include: a keynote address from Dr. Jay Famiglietti, Canada 150 Research Chair in Hydrology and Remote Sensing and Executive Director of the Global Institute for Water Security at the University of Saskatchewan; a research showcase including students from McMaster University, University of Waterloo and Wilfrid Laurier University; a community fair hosted by several Hamilton-based environmental organizations; and a Career Night during which students can network with professionals working in a variety of water-related fields.

This year’s Research Showcase will be hosted by the Global Water Futures Young Professionals. Students will present their research on a range of topics including water policy, climate change, sustainability, chemical engineering, environmental contaminants, biology, and more.

This year will also feature a new event, the Community Fair, which will highlight the diverse community groups in Hamilton engaged in water-related issues. Information booths will be set up in the McMaster Student Centre, providing the perfect opportunity to meet with organizations on- and off-campus and discuss current water topics and volunteering opportunities.

Visit the McMaster Water Week 2018 website for more details and to register.